In Praise of Grace

Today’s service was Harvest Sunday.  Our theme was forgiving our neighbour which was beautifully encapsulated into We reap what we Sow.  To be forgiven, we must forgive.  This is the crux of the matter.   Grace was flowing freely in our service.  In fact, it was totally overwhelming at times.

So that others may be blessed, the following are our Harvest Prayers:

Heavenly Father,


The sight of the mist rising slowly against the powder blue sky and deep furrows of the old Man is breathtaking as reflected on the sheet of glass called Coniston Water.  Suddenly the light shines so brightly through the mist that the old oak tree at the bottom of the lake is a picture of illumination, it’s roots firmly planted in the earth but cushioned by the lush dewy green grass inhabited by a flock of sheep.  I am brought quickly back to harvest Sunday.  I see in the tree a perfect object of your creation.  It’s limbs are always in touch with you as they rise up to the heavens above.  All who see it see a part of your glory.  All who look to it see what happens to the wise.  All who look to it see how we could be if we were as balanced as that tree, in perfect harmony with the earth around it and in constant communion with you.  Father God, help us to have our feet firmly planted in your word and keep us in constant communion with you.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


As I look to the tree I see a swallow soaring.  I am reminded of a scene of swallows sitting on a wire last evening.  How do they organise themselves so perfectly?  How do they all know exactly what to do?  Those swallows soaring through the heavens are constantly in your care.  Cushioned by soft billowy clouds and helped along by gentle breezes and strong gales, it is by working together as a team that they can manage a journey of thousands of miles not just once but twice a year.  What can your church learn about working together from those swallows.  A strand of three fibers cannot easily be broken.  Let us sow the seeds of respect, encouragement and love for one another.  Bless our talents and use them for your glory as we work together in your kingdom.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer


As I walked on top of the moorland yesterday, I came upon a sea of glittering diamonds.  As my eye focused on just one of those precious gems, I suddenly saw every colour in the rainbow magnificently glowing in a prism more lovely than any earthly gem.  Reflected light on one drop of water was a show stopping paradise.  Your light is even brighter and more lovely than that beautiful prism.  We are the salt and the light.  When your light shines through us, we can shine your light on the world around us.  When we keep close to you, we are effective.  Shine your light Lord Jesus, shine it brightly that our harvest will be full.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Hazel, in her prayers a few weeks ago reminded us that one drop of your blood can wash away the sins of the world since the beginning of time.  Imagine the power of wiping out every sin from all time with just one drop of blood.  It is more than I can understand.  I am overwhelmed.  Imagine what you can do through us in our daily lives if we forgive our brothers as you forgave us.  Keep us strong as we go out from this place sowing the seeds of forgiveness.  Keep this drop of blood flowing in our hearts and minds as we sow your fields and reap your harvest.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


When we call to you, we tap into the great power that created the earth and all the heavens.  We have our feet firmly planted in the earth like the old oak tree at the foot of the field.  We have a higher view like the swallows in the sky.  We have the light of the world as the prism of glory in a drop of water.  When we forgive one another, we see the power of a drop of our saviour’s blood in a transformation that exceeds all expectations.  It is awesome.  It is miraculous.  It is our faith.  Silently now, we bring all of our thoughts, needs, and prayers to you.


Heavenly Father, heal us, help us, deliver us, renew us, we are your people.  You are our God.  Let us walk with you as we live and work to your glory.


Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen.


Standing in the Gap

Ezekiel 22:30  “I looked for a man among them who would build up a wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.”

The above passage is from yesterday’s UCB readings. Lately I have been reading the lessons from the NIV verson of the Women’s Devotional Bible published by Zondervan Press which also has 365 devotions for the year.  There was one specifically for the passage shown above and it is so powerful, I would like to share it with you here.

Author:  Kathi Mills

Looking back on my life prior to my conversion in 1974, I realize now there were many intercessors on my behalf.  In addition to my own dear family who prayed for me faithfully, I remember one instance in particular when God burdened the heart of a woman I hardly knew to pray for me.

I was in a hospital, far from home and family, drifting in and out of consciousness.  Several times I became aware of a woman’s voice praying for my salvation, as well as for my physical healing.  At one point I heard a doctor describing my condition as critical, warning that I might not survive.

It was then that I recognized the voice of my intercessor once again as she spoke out in faith, “Doctor, I respect what you say, but I cannot accept it.  I’ve been praying for Kathi and I believe she will not only recover, she will walk out of here and live for God someday!”

Before long, I did walk out of that hospital, returned to work, and learned that it was my boss’s wife (I had only met her twice) who had “stood in the gap” for me.  When I tried to thank her, she responded with a confident smile, “Don’t thank me – thank God!  He has great plans for your life.”

Soon after that I moved away, never to see her again; but five years later when I gave my life to Christ, I remembered her – this faithful woman of God who never saw the results of her prayers for my salvation, but who believed God to answer those prayers in his time.

We often give up too easily on God in our busy lives.  Peter, a few Sundays ago, talked about the bright sunshine that we see when we get high enough in an airplane regardless of how many clouds obscure it from below.  Like the sun, which is ever present, Jesus is always there for us.  It is only we who move away.  Keep on praying and keep on intercessing.  Go to Revelation 8: 1-4 and see how God responds to the prayers of the saints.  God is alive yesterday, today and tomorrow and we are part of his great kingdom not just in the here and now but from all ages to eternity.


Elephants Never Forget

It has just been reported that Senator Edward Kennedy is to have surgery for a malignant brain tumor followed by chemotherapy.  In a statement, the senator committed himself to doing everything in his power to get Barack Obama elected President following his treatment.  To say that the senator is optimistic would be an understatement.  With elections looming in November, that is a swift positive recovery.  Whatever one thinks about the election or the candidates, I want to pray for Teddy and his entire family but especially Caroline who must be on her knees night and day praying for this man who is so close to her.

My heart goes out to Caroline especially.  What a sad story for a child to lose a Father so publicly and then her Father’s brother and then her Brother and her Mother. Of course this has all made Caroline a strong woman and a fighter.  Such trials as this, one wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Accompanying the statement about Senator Kennedy’s treatment was the obligatory reference to Chappaquiddick.  This was a sad chapter in his life which took place almost 40 years ago.  No matter what he has achieved since, no matter what wonderful things he has done, he is always dragged down by reference to this moment.

What is it about this world that constantly wants to tear down everyone and everything?  We’re imperfect creatures and we make mistakes.  No one is immuned.  There that’s it.  So what’s the big deal and what’s the story and why can’t elephants ever forget?

As Christians we have Freedom in Christ.  We have an advocate in heaven.  The dragging down of sin is finished with the blood of Jesus on the Cross.  We can move on.  If only the world would get the message, we would all be transformed.

Heavenly Father, bless Senator Kennedy, his family and friends.  Hold him in your hand.  You aren’t finished with him on this earth.  Use him to your glory, especially during this trial.  Pour your healing light and love on his body, mind and soul and make those elephants forget.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.



On Sunday, the headline that China arms destined for Zimbabwe were seeking safe harbor in Mozambique resulted in the following intercessions:

Heavenly Father, We pray for those who work for peace and good government.  This morning we lift up to you Zimbabwe.  The harsh regime of Mugabe has resulted in horrible suffering and loss.  You created each one of us with talents and gifts.  We pray that your good gifts will be put to full use across this land.  Strengthen your children with your revelation to know the way out.  Imbue the international community with wisdom to know how to help this land and its people.  Bind and heal the wounds of malice with your love and light.  Release your children from their bondage.  Let them live life to the full to the praise and glory of your name.   Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Today, the BBC headlines read:

Zimbabe Arms May Return to China

A ship carrying weapons to Zimbabwe is likely to return to China after neighbouring countries refused to unload it, says the foreign ministry.

Thank you Heavenly Father that You hold us in Your hand, that we can come to You, that You hear us, that You heal us, that we can trust in You.  Thank you for the prayers of Your saints who know that we can come to You through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the praise and glory of Your name.  Amen


Prayer for the meeting at St Andrew’s Church, Coniston on Wednesday 2 April 2008

Will all this wood soon be obsolete?Father God
Tomorrow evening we meet in St Andrew’s Church to discuss the physical changes which are proposed for our beloved building.

FIRST may we remember we are in Your house, may we behave with respect and acknowledgement of Your love and understanding.

May we behave with respect to each other regardless of status and listen with patience to differing points of view.

May we understand the reasons for these suggested changes whether we are in favour or not at the end of the meeting.

May we discuss the pros and cons of the changes without rancour and with understanding – remembering that feelings not just facts have a place in our lives.

May we ever strive to encourage and welcome all to come to St Andrew’s whatever their agenda and needs.

May we never forget those faithful worshippers who have found support and succour through their attendance at our church, coming weekly to have their faith is strengthened and renewed, and who have in turn given their support through financial aid, their work in and for St Andrews, and their prayers.

We are all Your children – help us to prioritise with maturity, insight, common sense and wisdom.



Heavenly Father,

As I look to the hills, I see that every fiber of your creation is in preparation. Not a molecule is idle. The singular purpose of this exquisite scene has been hard wired into existence. Birds have been greeting the morning with their song for hours. Ripples roll across Coniston Water. A beam of light casts its eye down to a flowering tree. Spring is on the way and there is no time to waste. Does nature know a storm is brewing? There is no chaos of last minute planning, only joyful peace and harmony. You are the light of creation. It knows your love is steadfast. It worships you day and night each and every day. Turn our hearts to your light and set our hearts on fire for you. Let every man who looks to the hills find you. All praise and honour and glory and power are yours forever and ever. Amen!

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Father God,

We pray for your church here and in the world. This spring, open our eyes to see you more clearly. Blow away the dust, pour your light in the dark corners, whisk away all the clutter and fill those clean, white spaces with your spirit. Let no empty promises fill them, let no wasteful acts tarnish them, but move us together in your perfect time to the glory of your name. Father God, make us fighting fit for the work you have prepared in advance for us to do. Let not one of us be left behind. Move us in your peace and love in perfect harmony.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father,

It is awesome to me that this earth, your creation, continues to provide for man thousands of years on from the birth of civilisation. With each day, there are more mouths to feed, there is more extraction of minerals and oil, there is more production, and there is more construction. The old is torn down, the new is replaced. Yet the earth renews itself. New seeds sprout through the death of the old, a spark of genius planted by you gives birth to a revolutionary idea that changes the way we live. We pray that your resources will be redeployed to that which helps from that which harms. Why do we need to waste your valuable resources on weapons of mass destruction when we can transform our way of living to the profit of all creation. Move the world towards a lasting peace, let us love one another, let us look for ways to help rather than ways to harm. We pray for your merciful intervention.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Father God,

The financial infrastructure of global markets is being tested in ways not seen for 80 years. I wonder again when I look out at your creation, when I see people coming and going as before, eating and drinking, travelling, marrying. It is like the days of Noah. We know that in the last days, these markets will be in ruin. We know that in the last days, there will not be any water fit to drink. We know that in the last days, the fish will be dead, and the waters will over flow with blood. Father God, wake up your people. Let us not fritter away the hours you have planned for us. The time to act is now. The time for leadership is now. If we don’t change the way we live, there will not be a future on this planet. Heal us and help us. Turn us to new life!

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Lord God,

There are souls among us who need your merciful healing touch. You have shown us your divine plan. We see now through a glass darkly that which you choose to reveal of the past and the future. We live in the here and now. Sometimes we do not understand what is happening around us. Father God, we lift up to you this morning Chris, Joanna, Phyllis, Eunice, the children left behind in two very horrific car crashes in Gloucester and Lancashire. This morning Chris is very ill. His liver is giving out. His diabetes is a complication. He has travelled a long road of decline. We long for you to deliver him from this malaise. We long for him to be healed in body, mind and spirit. Awesome, all powerful God, we pray that your glory will be revealed in the lives of these souls that we bring to your throne. Have mercy upon them and deliver them from their infirmities.

Lord graciously hear us. Lord hear us.

Heavenly Father,

The news of the death of those souls in the Goucester and Lancashire car crashes makes us look anew at the world and our lives. We are here by your grace. This morning we pray for those who mourn. Thank you for the love that fills our hearts, for the life that fills our limbs, for the hope that lives within us and your lamp that lights the path before us. Move the mountains that impede our view. Walk beside us these earthly roads, take us by the hand and lead us to your heavenly throne.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


Prayer for Out of the Blue

Dear Lord,

Prepare our hearts for this week of mission.  

Let all we do be for your honour.

Deepen our love for you.

Draw many around us to Jesus Christ.

In Christ’s name.


Out of the Blue takes place February 10-17, 2008, Please Pray

  1. For the Bishop of Penrith as he plans to lead our Furness Deanery Mission.  Ask God to bless him.
  2. That all our congregations will grasp this special opportunity.
  3. For courage to ask family and friends to the various events planned.
  4. Praise God for the wonder and relevance of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Prayer List

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  Galations 6:2 (NIV)

Bless Tom, Michael, Barbara, Jacqui, Donald, Baby Leo, Joanna, Dr. Wood, Connie, Cath, Ted, Janet, Chris, Tim, Jim, Nancy, Eunice, Margaret, Will, Hughey, Anne, Hazel, Lucy, Jackie, Issy, Melissa, John, Michael and Jo Ann with Your healing touch. Please saturate them in Your grace, mercy and peace.

New Additions!

Jo Ann has just had a kidney transplant.  On Christmas day a 19 year old boy died in an accident and donated his organs to help others.  Jo Ann is now going from strength to strength but is very much in need of your prayers. Praise God for this miracle of life.

Michael has been hospitalised for pleurisy and celebrated his 80th birthday on the 16th.  Friends and family are very worried about him.  Please pray for God’s blessing on Michael, his friends and family.

Extra Alert!

Chris and Tim are dealing with forces trying to prevent them from moving according to God’s call.  This is a critical time for them.  Please hold them in your prayers.


A Vision for Coniston

Heavenly Father,

We lift up to You Coniston, our village – the mountains, the lake, the inhabitants, the tourists, the holiday homes, the families, the children, the businesses and all the good folks who want to make it better.  Your plans are bigger and better than any one of us can envisage.

Take off our blinders.  Let us see clearly and anew with Your eyes.  Show us the way to move forward for the future.  Bless the meeting of the Parish Council this evening.  Everyone there will have an idea of how to make Coniston better.  Everyone there will be thinking they know the best way.  Help us to learn to work together in Your love and light.  Together, we can accomplish anything.  Light our path and set a lamp on our feet.  Revive us with Your vision.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.
