Monthly Archives: January 2018

Pray for Encouragement

Please join with us in praying for the young people within the Furness Deanery.

The Journey’s vision is to see every young person within the Furness area have an opportunity to explore the Christian faith, journey with it and respond to it.

Highlight of last month

We (Vic, Kristin and Mattias) went to the National Youthwork Gathering in Birmingham. It was a fantastic weekend and we were all inspired by new ideas and new dreams. We made lots of new contacts and we were reminded about why we do what we do! We were challenged about the culture around us and there was some great advice about helping young people deal with anxiety. We enjoyed being spiritually refreshed, having time off in a city and had a great street party led by Tearfund.

Prayer Theme for the month

Paul encouraged Timothy in 1 Timothy 4.12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” We want to create opportunities for young people to lead and be an example. Pray for all those in our groups who have leadership potential and for opportunities to develop and encourage them in their leadership skills. This month we have listed each of the adult leaders/ volunteers/supporters by name. Pray for each of them that they will be an example.

A key to the youth groups we support around the Furness Deanery

Kirkby Youth- A group for young people in Kirkby run by Vic, Kristin & Mattias and parent helpers.

Urswick Youth- A monthly youth group in Urswick run by Barbara Green, Graham Perry and Steve Hobson. Kristin and Matt help bimonthly too.

Ignite – A discipleship group for young people from Ulverston churches run by Sarah and Mark Callaghan and Emma Taplin.

Energize Tuesdays – A discipleship group for 11-16 in Ulverston run by Ulverston Parish Church youth team.

Energize Youth Café – A discipleship group for 14+ in Ulverston run by Ulverston Parish Church youth team.

Big Questions – A philosophy group at UVHS, John Ruskin and Millom school- where we discuss the big questions of life. Run by Charlie, Lisa, Vic & Kristin (at UVHS); Charlie, Kristin & Juliet (at JRS); Vic, Val, Neil & Mattias (at Millom).

The Vibe- A discipleship group for young people at Emmanuel Christian Centre run by Abbey Smith.

Meeting point, Broughton-A group for young people in Broughton run by Chris, Kristin, Vic and team.

NJOY, Coniston-A group for young people in Coniston run by Charlie and team.

Thwaites Youth – A group for young people in Thwaites run by Vic, Kristin & Mattias and team.

Join us in praying for our Youth here
