Dusk on Coniston Water

The blue grey glow on Coniston Water, the twinkling lights on the shoreline and the snowy peaks of the Old Man are a feast for the eyes.  At 17:00 the sky is still softly lit and with days getting longer, relief from the dark days of winter is in sight.  Still we have to pinch ourselves that we are here, alive in God’s kingdom, where his glory shines in the hearts of men even when the sun doesn’t shine.

On an airplane in December I closed my eyes and saw visions of healing (always the colour of lapis lazuli in my head) in souls close to my heart and then I saw a throng of people as a great mass and each one of those persons had a tiny blue dot in their heads.  This lapis lazuli dot was revealed to me as God’s light in each man. Whether those men choose to acknowledge God’s presence or not, God is there.  So the world is not so black and white.  The God seed is there, it just hasn’t found fertile soil.

A continuing theme everywhere I went in December is that Christians make a lot of work for themselves and are worn out from trying to do everything.  They are exhausted.  Sometimes the stress is a burden of success like my brother who has pastored a church for so long that the younger ones are growing up, getting married and wanting him to go anywhere to preside.  Sometimes it is where congregations are losing more than they are gaining and the few doing the work are tired of doing it all.

If you were to start a new church today, where would you start? What exactly do you need to consider yourself as a church?  What is your purpose?  Who is going to help you build your church?

Some of the problems I saw in the U.S exist in this country on a more massive scale. Here, throughout the country are dotted countless churches in rural communities built during boom times and now the burden of care is falling on a population that doesn’t recognise this blue dot in the centre of everyone and everything.

Today I received a newsletter from my home church in the U.S.  Two souls just died and a family that had been a large part of the church is splitting apart – the children are moving to China and the parents are moving to Chicago.  I felt the pain of these changes through my heart.  I love these people and this church.  They have worked tirelessly through some very big changes.  The previous building was sold and they now have a profit of close to $2 million to rebuild but not enough bodies to carry the load.

Is all this work falling on blind eyes?  Do all our wails fall on deaf ears?  God has a plan and we are part of it.  Every day is a testimony to his great work.  Thankfully, Lent begins this week.  God never intended for man to ignore his natural laws in our daily lives.  In the first chapter of Genesis, at the end of every day, ‘God saw that it was good’.  We can’t live without this knowledge that what we are doing is good.  We need to hear it ourselves and we need God to tell us and sometimes that means that we need to tell others that God tells us.  This praise and thankfulness needs to filter through our very beings in everything we do.

I don’t know the answer to the problems of our churches but God does.  This Lent, let’s spend extra time just listening to what God wants.  I know what questions I am going to bring to him.  I also know that God’s plans are better than anything we can conceive.  Let’s turn it over to God and spend time listening.

So for me, whatever the weather, I am going to find more time to go outside to feel his presence in the world of creation, to study the Bible more thoughtfully, to listen to the CD-rom ‘Relaxing into Prayer’ available on this web site, to be thankful for every blessing.  God speaks and I don’t want to miss a word he has to say.

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Jesus – always here for us

We’ve been worshipping this morning and reminding ourselves from John 17 that Christ Jesus is on our side; He wants us to know Him (v.3), He reveals Himself (v.6) through His Word (v.17), the Bible; He wants us to know His protection (v.11); and to be in unity with Him (the Godhead) and our fellow believers (vs.22, 23).
Isn’t is good to know He’s there for us. Romans 8:34 says He’s doing even more. ‘Christ Jesus, who died – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.’
How can we ever cease to praise our living, loving heavenly Father for His abundant goodness and promises. Don’t ever forget that. He’s always here for us!! That’s a promise!

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Words of wisdom

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are we not to be?  You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us: it’s in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela 1994

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God Speaking – His Voice


The theme of this coming Sunday’s (29/07/07) service is the last in our series about how God speaks to us. We’ll be looking at passages from the Bible where He’s used an audible voice. What can we learn from these passages, and does He still speak in this way today? Have you ever experience His audible voice? Come and share with us on Sunday if you can, if not, let us know what you think about God speaking to you/us!

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God Speaking – Visions

In yesterday’s service (22/07/07) we were continuing our look at how God speaks to us. This service was focussing on His use of visions to make His will known. For those who were with us, perhaps you would like to share what you took away from the service?

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His Spirit is With Us

Night Sky

Did anyone catch the sunset last night?  After a day of dark clouds and a few spots of rain suddenly the sun poured down below the clouds revealing the most incredible sunset.  The sky was totally translucent and it just kept getting more intense.  I was simply overcome with the presence of God.  It was like the promise of the rainbow.  Everything is going to be all right.  I am with you always.

Posted in Signs and Wonders | 2 Comments

God is Working his Purpose Out

I suddenly had a revelation at last night’s Walk Cumbria supper.  We’re all sitting around asking questions about what is happening and what seeds are being sown like nothing is happening.  Shame on us.  Everything is in God’s hands and we can be sure that God is indeed working his purpose out.  In fact, because our expectations have not been met, we can be assured that God’s plan is even more glorious than anything that has yet hit our imaginations.  Isn’t God wonderful!

Posted in Revelations | 2 Comments

Where is God in this world?

A few years ago, we had an exhibition in St. Andrew’s church.  Linda Inman produced several mannequins, each with blank faces, looking out over the pews.  There were casts of feet and bums on seats to complete the scene.  The theme was Where is God in this world?

Jesus said, “Where two or three come together in my name, there am I  with them.” (Matthew 18:20). This is a powerful statement.  If you hold to this teaching, and trust in the Lord, we believe that your life will be transformed.

This is the mission of the church, to bring people to Christ who holds the power to change lives.

During our services we have  moments of quiet,  prayer, and praise when the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit rests on us all.  This is when we learn to listen.  If you have had an encounter and wish to share it, this is the place.  All praise and honor and glory and power to God forever and ever.

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