God is Working his Purpose Out

I suddenly had a revelation at last night’s Walk Cumbria supper.  We’re all sitting around asking questions about what is happening and what seeds are being sown like nothing is happening.  Shame on us.  Everything is in God’s hands and we can be sure that God is indeed working his purpose out.  In fact, because our expectations have not been met, we can be assured that God’s plan is even more glorious than anything that has yet hit our imaginations.  Isn’t God wonderful!

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2 Responses to God is Working his Purpose Out

  1. smileangel says:

    Your revelation has moved me to one or two things. Firstly, somehow or other we have landed with a surplus of nearly 100%, which the Lord has graciously provided for future work. Prayer is about listening as well as asking.

  2. Angelina says:

    There are 3 things I’d like to share with everyone linked to ‘God is Working His Purpose Out’ – I heard them at the recent Keswick Convention

    1) “You don’t realise Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.”
    Elizabeth Elliot

    2) Definition of suffering:
    “Having what you don’t want and wanting what you don’t have.”
    Ian Coffey

    3) “Death is God’s ultimate healing.”
    Alec Motyer

    These are all very profound things. I’m so glad and thankful that I know that all things are in His hands including me and there is NO better place to be!!!

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