Category Archives: Revelations

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Unexpected Wait, Unexpected Fulfillment

Brian was back on Sunday with an unmissable sermon.  No video but you can read the text.   Inspired!  Unexpected Wait

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Absalom, O Absalom

My brother, a Methodist minister, gave me ‘The Lectionary 2018’  for Christmas.  Having never followed it, except for main Sunday services, I am amazed at how it connects, builds and illuminates the message. For instance, Sunday, the 4th Sunday of … Continue reading

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The Lesson of the Looking Glass

Heavenly Light on Daily Life This meditation was originally published in April 2014.  It is a timely message as we walk through Holy Week in the year 2017. A Series of devotionals by Lilias Trotter, Lesson 1 Wherever there are … Continue reading

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Our beautiful church family

Perhaps I was having an overly emotional day having been flattened by a particularly nasty case of the flu since Sunday eve.  I walked into the church yesterday in advance of Roger and Yu Zhu’s wedding, just to take a … Continue reading

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Finding the Way of Christ in Community

A few have asked to read Sunday’s talk.  I would have liked to have ended with a fabulous link to the Lord’s Prayer.  I also considered handing out envelopes, each with a name of someone on our electoral roll to … Continue reading

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How to get the job done

This sermon had everyone thinking.  It was delivered by Brian Jones at St. Andrew’s Church, Sunday, 7 July.  Read it here now!  How To Get The Job Done

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The Long View

Sunday’s sermon set me on a path of introspection. Andrew took the opportunity to talk about the call placed on him to go and teach in another school. I’ve listened to Andrew in the past when he has questioned whether … Continue reading

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Becoming an Invitational Church

Michael Harvey’s talk today was fascinating and brought home many points that can really help us at St. Andrew’s.  For me what I see as most important is that we are all working for the same Lord, the same purpose with … Continue reading

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The Dynamic of Music in Worship

Mark, our Priest in Charge, is studying the dynamic of music in worship.   He is looking for views across all ages and has compiled a questionnaire to help the process.  Two versions are available on-line:  The word view can … Continue reading

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