Author Archives: angelweb

A Harvest of Grace

Words cannot describe the awesome power of grace at work for the Harvest Supper last term.  Spearheaded by Grisedale Arts, the entire village donated food, lots of good cooks volunteered their time and in three short hours, the local Primary … Continue reading

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The Dynamic of Music in Worship

Mark, our Priest in Charge, is studying the dynamic of music in worship.   He is looking for views across all ages and has compiled a questionnaire to help the process.  Two versions are available on-line:  The word view can … Continue reading

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Shining Stars

Thanks to all you shining stars for making our dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving, St. Andrew’s Day and Advent such a success! Blessings to the churches of St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s for coming together at the very large table beautifully … Continue reading

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The Tomb is Empty – Does Jesus Live Today?

At Easter we celebrate the empty tomb, the risen Lord, the resurrection life and I wonder… I wonder what this means for us here, in this place, in the 21st centurty.  Somehow it seems to me that what we choose … Continue reading

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Revelations from Joshua

Sometimes the word of God comes when you least expect it.  This morning’s UCB readings from Joshua 5-8:29 gave me much food for thought.  I came away with three revelations. To be effective, we all have to be on the same … Continue reading

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Is this a Divine Plan?

When in London recently, I saw the Supremes exhibition at the V & A.  It was more about the rising up of black people from the south and their journey from the lands of cotton picking to the Motor City, … Continue reading

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As American Election Looms

An Outside Perspective The eyes of the world have been held in rapt attention over the election between McCain and Obama for U.S. President.  There is no question that the dramatic rise of Senator Obama and his staying power are … Continue reading

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To Believe or Not To Believe

The following post appeared in Daily Speculations: Gibbons Burke persists: We’re speculating with regards to the true meal of a lifetime and beyond or eternal barbeque, depending on your freedom to choose outcome you will. Seems perfectly on topic, no? … Continue reading

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Signs and Wonders

Last night, after looking at the meltdown in the U.S. stock market following the actions of the U.S. Treasury, I became aware of the gravity of the situation.  The Fed is out of cash.  Ben Bernanke has been out of … Continue reading

Posted in Signs and Wonders | 2 Comments

Going for the Gold

As I was looking up at the hills the other day, it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps I have been an 80%’er in most of my endeavours.  It is said that the first 80% of the learning for any … Continue reading

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