Jesus – always here for us

We’ve been worshipping this morning and reminding ourselves from John 17 that Christ Jesus is on our side; He wants us to know Him (v.3), He reveals Himself (v.6) through His Word (v.17), the Bible; He wants us to know His protection (v.11); and to be in unity with Him (the Godhead) and our fellow believers (vs.22, 23).
Isn’t is good to know He’s there for us. Romans 8:34 says He’s doing even more. ‘Christ Jesus, who died – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.’
How can we ever cease to praise our living, loving heavenly Father for His abundant goodness and promises. Don’t ever forget that. He’s always here for us!! That’s a promise!

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