To Believe or Not To Believe

The following post appeared in Daily Speculations:

Gibbons Burke persists:

Gib BurkeWe’re speculating with regards to the true meal of a lifetime and beyond or eternal barbeque, depending on your freedom to choose outcome you will. Seems perfectly on topic, no?

With apologies to Blaise Pascal for mangling his famous wager; the gaming odds for the prudent eternal investor favor belief, without even considering the utility of belief:

= A believer, if wrong, will never realize his error: he will be dead and to dust. Poof! His upside is limited to the benefits of that belief – peace, joy, happiness, fortitude, patience, courage, etc. (so-called fruits of the Holy Spirit) and perhaps the blessings of a life well lived, depending on the breaks.

= For the same reason, a non-believer, if right, will never realize any returns from his correct bet, so the upside on this option is capped at his expiration date (death). He, too, may have lived a seemingly good life, relatively uninhibited by the constraints of the believer’s conscience and avoidance of sin.

Advantage: subjectively neither at this point.


+ A believer, if right, will enjoy the eternal and infinite upside alpha of his investment in belief: life everlasting in communion with God, who is Himself Truth, Beauty, Virtue and all good things – to behold him face to face, for eternity, as well as the benefits which accrue to a life lived on earth in faith – even perhaps suffering for that faith. What a small premium to pay, relative to the potential reward, no?

– The non-believer, if wrong, will bear the eternal and ultimate lock-limit drawdown, with no stop loss in place. A literal margin call from Hell. Separation from God the Father. He will know he was wrong – for ever, and ever, world without end.

So, to put this into option terms:

The risk profile for investing in the leap of faith  a ‘call’ option of belief in the Underlying Security is unlimited upside if he’s right; limited down side if he’s wrong.

The ‘naked put’ option of the who doesn’t believe in the value of the Underlying Security, is a limited upside if he’s right; unlimited downside risk if he’s wrong. He may end up with a debt he can never repay. (Paging Dr. Faustus!)

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever. [1 John 2:16-17]

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Signs and Wonders

Last night, after looking at the meltdown in the U.S. stock market following the actions of the U.S. Treasury, I became aware of the gravity of the situation.  The Fed is out of cash.  Ben Bernanke has been out of sight during the latest round of restructurings, this time with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  The volatility and huge moves can only be generated by the actions of hedge funds.  Who is going bust next?  Where will it end?

I read today from Luke chapter 21:8.  “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, “I am he,” and “The time is near.”  Do not follow them.”

All we hear in the media from the government is that times are bad.  All we hear from the U.S. media is doom.  When I look out my window, the mountains are still there in their exquisite God given glory.  Everyone still comes to work just like usual.  Folks are coming over on the launch at this very minute.  The water is rippling, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the land is lovely.  So much for doom and gloom.

Whatever God has ordained, the time for living is now.

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Going for the Gold

As I was looking up at the hills the other day, it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps I have been an 80%’er in most of my endeavours.  It is said that the first 80% of the learning for any given field is quick in comparison with the final 20% that can take a lifetime.  This week as the Olympics begin in Beijing, I will be exploring this idea further.  What does it take to move beyond 80% and are we guilty of being 80% Christians?  Are you going for the gold?  Read full text now!

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Ascension Day Thoughts

A couple of things hit me this morning during the Ascension Day service at St. Andrew’s.  The readings were a reminder of the promises of Jesus.  Last Sunday we had the promise of ‘the counselor’ who would come to the disciples in Jerusalem.  They were commanded to wait for this before leaving the city.  Today, we heard this through words written by Luke in Acts 1:4-5, On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command:  “Do not leave Jeruslem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.  For John Baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

Further along in Acts (today’s reading) two men dressed in white stood beside the disciples as they were looking intently up into the sky as Jesus was going.  In Acts 1:11 comes the next powerful promise yet to be fulfilled, “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky?  This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

Now what I really found amazing about today’s service was the response of the disciples to all of this.  In Luke 24:51-53 we read, While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.  Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.  And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.

This is what really set me thinking.  What would happen here, in this place, if we were to stay continuously in the church praising God until the day of Pentecost?  Would we be expectant like the disciples?  What do we expect when we go to church? At a minimum, we would have to do something in the church.  We would joyfully greet all who visited, we would give rest and solace and nourishment to worn out and tired souls, we would dust and polish the furniture and perhaps even organise some shelves and bookcases.  Then we might wash the beautiful stained glass windows and perhaps see clearly through the sparkling colours the presence of the holy spirit in our midst.

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A nostalgic look back

I’ve recently bought a tape console for my computer so that I can play the boxes of cassette tapes I have in my loft. Not only will it play them, but it can also convert them to digital files to store on my computer or copy onto CD’s to play in the car. It’s been quite a trip down memory lane listening to music ranging from Genesis, to Dire Straights, to Queen, to Supertramp. And then some more unusual or less well know musicians like Bob James, Earl Klugh, Michelle Shocked & Basia. Some of them you may know (if you were in your teens and twenties in the 70’s & 80’s), some you won’t! But what you’ll know will bring back quite powerful memories.

It amazes me how evocative music can be. When I listen to a particular track I can often be transported back to a particular event or moment. The memories are usually comforting, though there are some that are painful. But what tends to happen is that I go back into that memory with rose tinted glasses on. The past often appears better, but I easily forget the difficulties, trials and tribulations I went through. I forget the times I often said I can’t wait till .. Now much of what I couldn’t wait till…, has happened.

I guess for me the lesson is two fold.
1) Don’t wish your life away by thinking things are going to be better when! But make the most of every situation you find yourself in.
2) Don’t look back and wish you could return to when things seemed so much better. They probably weren’t, but rejoice in what you learned from them.

Jesus’s disciples were at a point like this in the time after His death and resurrection. He told them to wait for the promised Holy Spirit who would equip them to carry on the work that He had begun. I imagine it would have been quite tempting for them to look back to their life before Jesus became so influential to them. In fact there was an occasion, recorded in John 21, where they went back to what some of them knew before “fishing” and as they were fishing they had a resurrection encounter with Him. But they were not to go back. They were to keep moving forward, to keep in step with what Jesus wanted to do in and through them. Their wait was rewarded at Pentecost (Whitsun) when the Holy Spirit empowered them to go out and witness to the love and power of Jesus Christ.

We likewise, although we think life is better when we look back, have to have the courage to keep looking forward and welcome the things that God wants to accomplish in and through us. Jesus wants an encounter with all of us – are we willing to look to Him. Put your hand in Jesus’s hand and trust Him for the new thing He wants to do in and through you!!
Isaiah 43:18-19
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!
(from The Holy Bible: New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society)

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Cell Phones and Bibles


I wonder what would happen if

we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone.

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn’t live without it?

What if we gave it to kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

Oh, and one more thing: Unlike our cell phone, we don’t have to worry

about being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

This thought was published in the May 2008 issue of The Faith Walk, a newsletter from the Faith Presbyterian Church in Findlay, Ohio.


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He Who Inhabits Eternity

Lilias Trotter - A Blossom in the Desert by Miriam Huffman Rockness

The following words are from the pen of Lilias Trotter, whose words and art have been beautifully packaged in the book above available on Amazon.  This particular segment relates to the verse We live by faith, not by sight, from 2 Corinthians 5:7.

We have to do with One who “inhabiteth eternity” and works in its infinite leisure.

Some years ago, when a new railway cutting was made in East Norfolk, you could trace it through the next summer, winding like a blood-red river through the green fields.  Poppy seeds that must have lain buried for generations had suddenly been upturned and had germinated by the thousand.  The same thing happened a while back in the Canadian woods.  A fir-forest was cut down, and the next spring the ground was covered with seedling oaks, though not an oak tree was in sight.  Unnumbered years before there must have been a struggle between the two trees, in which the firs gained the day, but the acorns had kept safe their latent spark of life underground, and it broke out at the first chance.

And if we refuse to stay our faith upon results that we can see and measure, and fasten it on God, He may be able to keep wonderful surprises wrapt away in what looks now only waste and loss.  What an up-springing there will be when heavenly light and air come to the world at last in the setting up of Christ’s kingdom!

Posted in Revelations | 1 Comment

Volatile Week on Jerusalem Exchange

 Ticker Symbol INRI

It’s been a wild week on the Jerusalem Exchange and one particular ticker symbol, INRI, Jesus Nazareth King of the Jews stands out. Traders fell all over themselves trying to get on board after his Triumphal Entry into The City on Palm Sunday. Traders expected a palace coup after Judas Iscariot advised his rebel band that the new Kingdom was imminent.  The stock was up 130% from Friday’s close by Maundy Thursday night.

After the markets closed, Jesus was arrested while with his disciples in Gethsemane.  By Friday, traders were heading for the exits and by the time news hit that INRI’s crucifiction was imminent, it was a meltdown with the stock finishing the day on the floor.

Can INRI be worth more dead than alive?  The stock just opened Monday at Thursday’s close. There must be some mistake.  We’re getting rumours that INRI has been raised from the dead.  INRI is soaring.  What a week on the street.


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The Walk to the Cross

Jesus on the Cross

Jesus died for you and for me.

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Jesus Washing Osama’s Feet

My nephew sent me this link.  It appears on the site of Greg Boyd, the leader of his church in MN.  As Maundy Thursday approaches, one has to think about what Jesus would do and how he would respond.  Jesus came to save this world, not to condemn.  What a saviour we have in Jesus.  What a humbling thought to ponder.

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