Category Archives: Prayer

A Prayer for Teachers

Lord, we pray for all those Christian teachers who are struggling with their work; who feel called to serve You in education and want to honour this calling but who now cry out for Your help.

Lord, we lift to You those teachers who struggle daily with pupil indiscipline; who feel close to breaking point; who cannot cope any longer with the verbal threats and physical abuse they face.

We pray for all those teachers who dread the prospect of facing this class on a Monday morning or that pupil on a Friday afternoon; for whom each day is a waking nightmare … followed, each night, by worry and insomnia in a seemingly unending cycle of fear … and stress … and guilt.

Lord, we lift to You those teachers who are burdened by bureaucracy and worn down by excessive workload; who admit to feeling browbeaten and demotivated; who are unable to keep up with ever increasing mountains of paperwork.

We pray for all those teachers for whom there never seem to be enough hours in the day; who spend most evenings marking and record keeping and much of each weekend planning and preparing for the week ahead; for whom mental exhaustion and spiritual dryness is a term-time way of life, and physical and mental breakdown is an ever present threat.

Lord, we pray that ALL teachers might be given the support they require:

from colleagues at school;

from governors and parents;

from union and local authority officials;

from their church;

from You, Almighty and Everlasting God.

Lord, by Your Holy Spirit, we ask You to empower and energise each and every Christian teacher in their calling to serve You.  Strengthen and protect them; bless and enable them so they might be “salt” and “light” to the communities they serve.

prayer submitted by Vik Sekasi, Furness Network Youth Minister


Pray for Encouragement

Please join with us in praying for the young people within the Furness Deanery.

The Journey’s vision is to see every young person within the Furness area have an opportunity to explore the Christian faith, journey with it and respond to it.

Highlight of last month

We (Vic, Kristin and Mattias) went to the National Youthwork Gathering in Birmingham. It was a fantastic weekend and we were all inspired by new ideas and new dreams. We made lots of new contacts and we were reminded about why we do what we do! We were challenged about the culture around us and there was some great advice about helping young people deal with anxiety. We enjoyed being spiritually refreshed, having time off in a city and had a great street party led by Tearfund.

Prayer Theme for the month

Paul encouraged Timothy in 1 Timothy 4.12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” We want to create opportunities for young people to lead and be an example. Pray for all those in our groups who have leadership potential and for opportunities to develop and encourage them in their leadership skills. This month we have listed each of the adult leaders/ volunteers/supporters by name. Pray for each of them that they will be an example.

A key to the youth groups we support around the Furness Deanery

Kirkby Youth- A group for young people in Kirkby run by Vic, Kristin & Mattias and parent helpers.

Urswick Youth- A monthly youth group in Urswick run by Barbara Green, Graham Perry and Steve Hobson. Kristin and Matt help bimonthly too.

Ignite – A discipleship group for young people from Ulverston churches run by Sarah and Mark Callaghan and Emma Taplin.

Energize Tuesdays – A discipleship group for 11-16 in Ulverston run by Ulverston Parish Church youth team.

Energize Youth Café – A discipleship group for 14+ in Ulverston run by Ulverston Parish Church youth team.

Big Questions – A philosophy group at UVHS, John Ruskin and Millom school- where we discuss the big questions of life. Run by Charlie, Lisa, Vic & Kristin (at UVHS); Charlie, Kristin & Juliet (at JRS); Vic, Val, Neil & Mattias (at Millom).

The Vibe- A discipleship group for young people at Emmanuel Christian Centre run by Abbey Smith.

Meeting point, Broughton-A group for young people in Broughton run by Chris, Kristin, Vic and team.

NJOY, Coniston-A group for young people in Coniston run by Charlie and team.

Thwaites Youth – A group for young people in Thwaites run by Vic, Kristin & Mattias and team.

Join us in praying for our Youth here


September Youth Prayer Diary

Vic Sekasi has prepared the September Prayer Journal.  Please hold the young people from the Furness Deanery in your prayers.

Thanks for praying for us.

Praise God for those young people who made commitments of faith and responded to Gods word at Soul Survivor.

Praise God for the Christian Summer camps and festivals that many young people went on and how they have impacted their faith journey.

Praise God for those young people who got great results in their GCSEs and A Levels.

Praise God for one of the youth leaders who gave birth to a baby boy.

Praise God for the new interns who are coming and for the accommodation that has been provided for them.

Praise God for times of rest and all the holidays everyone has had.

And praise God for all the changes ahead and His faithfulness throughout.

Enjoy praying for September! If you have any things you want us to pray for do share!





June Prayer Diary

Vic has published the June Prayer Diary.  Here is her latest letter:

Hope you are having a great June so far!

I’ve just been on a conference called Cherish, which was themed around unity. In the welcome brochure it said “We are living in a time where the world feels more divided than ever. We find more and more things to disagree on than agree on. We all have a great opportunity as a church to demonstrate the beauty that is only found in unity.”

I love this verse from Psalm 133:1-3 “How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe. Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing, even life everlasting.

Attached is the June Prayer Diary. There is also a letter inviting you to unite with us as we look at the possibility of partnering with NISCU with our youth work in secondary schools. Please do have a read and let us know your thoughts! We have already had £100 pledged a month before the letter has even been sent out!!!

Thanks again for all your prayer support.



Victoria Sekasi, 
Furness Network Youth Minister
Network Youth Church
The Journey

NISCU Funding Opportunity

An opportunity to provide additional support to the Furness Deanery through the Northern Inter-Schools Christian Union has come with a catch.  The Benefactor is asking for a pledge of matching funding for the £5,000 donation by the end of June 2017.  Youth worker Charlie Day would be given more hours through the partnership with NISCU providing an efficient and effective way of furthering his work in the community.   Charlie, who has previous experience as a secondary schools worker for a Christian schools work charity in the South of England, is a thoughtful, optimistic and passionate Youth Worker.

Take a look at the attached Pledge Letter.  We would be grateful if you are able to help.


Are you the one?

View of Coniston Old Man from Brantwood


We’re seeking a leader who can bring vision to a community called to share the good news in one of the most beautiful places in England.  We have mountains, sparkling water, lush green fells, and people who visit from all over the world.  This is a place where one can and does have a spiritual encounter.  Called to share The Way?  Respond now to

Benefice Profile

Person Profile

Role Description Coniston and Torver


Youth Prayer Diary for May

The Journey, May 2017

We had a fantastic time last weekend at New Wine Landmark RESOLUTE youth weekend. There were around 20 young people from Ulverston that went. The weekend was all about being AUTHENTIC and it was great seeing God at work in those young peoples lives. One girl from Lancaster, who came to faith, said this on her Instagram message which summed up for me what God was doing “So today I’ve spent all day at #nwlandmark17 and honestly it was amazing! I was literally moved to tears by some of what people had to say and its been the most extraordinary experience – I was in a room full of strangers and yet I felt so loved and included all day and I can’t thank everyone enough for that. The power of Gods love is real people. #iamauthentic #livingauthentically.

Thanks for all your prayers and support for me over the past month. The operation didn’t quite go to plan so the recovery is a bit longer than I was expecting. My energy and pain levels are up and down. I only did half the weekend and for the past couple of days I have rested. The plan is to go back part time from 15th May and be back full time  Please continue to pray for my recovery. I praise God for all those who have kept a lot of the youth work going whilst I’ve been away. I’m constantly reminded that we plant and water seeds but its God that does the growing!!

Thanks again for your prayers

Furness Network Youth Minister
Network Youth Church
The Journey

