July prayer diary

Vic Sekasi, Furness Deanery Youth Minister has published the July Prayer Diary:

Thought for the month
This month we are thinking about our identity and purpose as we lead a youth residential on this theme. I read this quote recently from Joyce Meyer, “If you know who you are in Christ, it won’t matter so much to you what other people think.” There are 3 questions, which we will be journeying with at the residential; Who am I?, Who does God think I am? and What am I here for? We hope as you pray for the young people by name you will also journey with these questions and get a greater understanding of who you are, what is important to you and how you see your purpose.


June Prayer Diary

Victoria Sekasi, the Furness Network Youth Minister, has just published the June Prayer Diary.

June Prayer Diary

Here are some words she passed along to her readers: “I’ve just come back from Cherish, a women’s conference. It was a fantastic conference run by Life Church, Bradford. The highlight for me was the great teaching I received and the seeds of Gods word that he planted within me.  One teaching that I have been chewing over was this phrase “I am not your problem, I am your provision”, which came out of a teaching from 2 Kings 11.”

Pray that we will see and know God’s provision in our midst.


God for all Prayer

God for all, you reached out to the world in your Son Jesus Christ.
Help us to reach out in faith and love and witness to all.
God for all, you send your Holy Spirit to empower and gift your Church.
By your Spirit help us,
grow in unity,
grow as followers of Jesus Christ,
and grow your kingdom in Cumbria and in this world. Amen




Receive the blessing

At the end of yesterday’s talk, everyone gave and received the following blessing:

Receive the blessing of Christ.   Know that Christ is with you always.   Let the love of Christ fill you.   Know the power of God in all your ways.   Walk in the promised land.

We are redeemed people.  Accept the blessing.  Let us surrender to Christ.





The Light is with us

With the new year upon us, wild winds are blowing away the clouds obscuring our view.  Vision is what we are given.  The Light that we celebrate with Christmas, is with us.

250 souls attended our Christmas services.  What a blessing!  Tim is now back home from hospital getting stronger every day.  Our prayers are for God’s blessing on Tim, June and the communities of Coniston and Torver.  Peter and Pat, the Wardens Nick and Linda, Leigh and many other helpers kept the lights glowing and the the candles burning throughout the Christmas season.

May the light and love and peace and vision of Christ, be with you all!

A celebration of Christmas at St. Andrew's Church

A celebration of Christmas at St. Andrew’s Church




Unlimited Generosity

Yesterday’s Commissioning service was an act of unlimited generosity full of unbounded love and joy in the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Thank you to my church family and friends for bearing witness to my servant vows, for your prayers, encouragement and support.   I am truly humbled in my position to serve as Worship and Outreach Minister to the Parishes of Coniston and Torver.  In His grace and love and light we stand together.  Bless the Lord your souls.  Love, Pamela
