Our Prayer List

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  Galations 6:2 (NIV)

Bless Tom, Michael, Barbara, Jacqui, Donald, Baby Leo, Joanna, Dr. Wood, Connie, Cath, Ted, Janet, Chris, Tim, Jim, Nancy, Eunice, Margaret, Will, Hughey, Anne, Hazel, Lucy, Jackie, Issy, Melissa, John, Michael and Jo Ann with Your healing touch. Please saturate them in Your grace, mercy and peace.

New Additions!

Jo Ann has just had a kidney transplant.  On Christmas day a 19 year old boy died in an accident and donated his organs to help others.  Jo Ann is now going from strength to strength but is very much in need of your prayers. Praise God for this miracle of life.

Michael has been hospitalised for pleurisy and celebrated his 80th birthday on the 16th.  Friends and family are very worried about him.  Please pray for God’s blessing on Michael, his friends and family.

Extra Alert!

Chris and Tim are dealing with forces trying to prevent them from moving according to God’s call.  This is a critical time for them.  Please hold them in your prayers.


3 thoughts on “Our Prayer List

  1. beechangel

    May the Lord pour His Blessings on this venture May we connect with Gods guiding Spirit and keep our eyes on His light as we ad-venture! toward new horizons.

  2. beechangel

    It is within this inner stillness,within this utter quietness,within this sweet solitude that the spirit of the living God speeks to our spirits.it is there,alone with Him, that He makes himself real to us.It is there we “see”Him most acutely with the inner eyes of our awakened concious. It is there he communes with us calmly through the inner awereness of his presence,speeking to us with ever-deepening conviction by His own wonderous word.

  3. angelweb

    The latest prayer pointers is a wow! The passage quoted in Deuteronomy 7:6 that ‘God has chosen us out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be His people, His treasured possession’ is amazing. I am reading ‘The Sovereignty of God’ by A.W. Pink. How unfathomable is the glory of the Lord!

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