Category Archives: My Encounters

A nostalgic look back

I’ve recently bought a tape console for my computer so that I can play the boxes of cassette tapes I have in my loft. Not only will it play them, but it can also convert them to digital files to … Continue reading

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Dusk on Coniston Water

The blue grey glow on Coniston Water, the twinkling lights on the shoreline and the snowy peaks of the Old Man are a feast for the eyes.  At 17:00 the sky is still softly lit and with days getting longer, … Continue reading

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Jesus – always here for us

We’ve been worshipping this morning and reminding ourselves from John 17 that Christ Jesus is on our side; He wants us to know Him (v.3), He reveals Himself (v.6) through His Word (v.17), the Bible; He wants us to know … Continue reading

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Words of wisdom

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, … Continue reading

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God Speaking – His Voice

The theme of this coming Sunday’s (29/07/07) service is the last in our series about how God speaks to us. We’ll be looking at passages from the Bible where He’s used an audible voice. What can we learn from these … Continue reading

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Where is God in this world?

A few years ago, we had an exhibition in St. Andrew’s church.  Linda Inman produced several mannequins, each with blank faces, looking out over the pews.  There were casts of feet and bums on seats to complete the scene.  The … Continue reading

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