Category Archives: My Encounters

Let the Trumpets Sound

Jesus loves you Jesus is the light of the world C o m e  to me  a l l  w h o  are thirsty.   I will give you living water. C o m e  to  me  a l l  w h o  are  hungry.  I will give you  bread of life. Jesus is the … Continue reading

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God Breaks In

Encounter was truly awesome.  Four like minded souls, nothing short of angels, just walked through the door and we were simply blown away by the movement of the Holy Spirit Sunday evening.  I couldn’t get the experience out of my mind yesterday.  I … Continue reading

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New Beginnings

At St. Andrew’s we celebrate New Beginnings.  Yesterday’s blessing service for the new homes was awesome.  It is great to have Mark back with us and we have just issued our first ever Annual Report.  Praise God!  To receive a … Continue reading

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A Harvest of Grace

Words cannot describe the awesome power of grace at work for the Harvest Supper last term.  Spearheaded by Grisedale Arts, the entire village donated food, lots of good cooks volunteered their time and in three short hours, the local Primary … Continue reading

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Shining Stars

Thanks to all you shining stars for making our dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving, St. Andrew’s Day and Advent such a success! Blessings to the churches of St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s for coming together at the very large table beautifully … Continue reading

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The Tomb is Empty – Does Jesus Live Today?

At Easter we celebrate the empty tomb, the risen Lord, the resurrection life and I wonder… I wonder what this means for us here, in this place, in the 21st centurty.  Somehow it seems to me that what we choose … Continue reading

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Christening, Baptism or What?

‘I’d like to get my baby done, Vicar!’ has been a very common request in parishes up and down the country. That request still goes on though I have to say in general people today will use the word Christening … Continue reading

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Revelations from Joshua

Sometimes the word of God comes when you least expect it.  This morning’s UCB readings from Joshua 5-8:29 gave me much food for thought.  I came away with three revelations. To be effective, we all have to be on the same … Continue reading

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Is this a Divine Plan?

When in London recently, I saw the Supremes exhibition at the V & A.  It was more about the rising up of black people from the south and their journey from the lands of cotton picking to the Motor City, … Continue reading

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Going for the Gold

As I was looking up at the hills the other day, it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps I have been an 80%’er in most of my endeavours.  It is said that the first 80% of the learning for any … Continue reading

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