Category Archives: Special Events

Big Breakfast Events

The following events are taking place to celebrate Big Fairtrade Breakfast:

Sunday March 6th, 10 – 11.30am.
Big Breakfast at The Old Schoolroom Torver
[Following the 9am. Mother’s Day service]
Walkers, cyclists, bikers, riders, drivers…
Everyone welcome whatever your mode of transport!
Quality Local and Fairtrade produce used.

WEDS MARCH 9TH, 9am – 10am.
Big Breakfast at St. Andrew’s Coniston
Come and enjoy a warm bowl of porridge, toast, Fairtrade marmalade or honey and of course Fairtrade coffee and tea!
[Followed by the usual Fairtrade Coffee Morning]

If you would like to come along to help at either event, you will be most welcome.


Big Fairtrade Breakfast

Martin Luther King Jr,  A Christmas sermon on peace, 1967.

FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 29th Feb – 13 March 2016

So maybe this morning you enjoyed coffee from Kenya, cocoa from Cote d’Ivoire, tea from India, sugar from Malawi and juice from Brazilian oranges…not forgetting bananas from Colombia!
Hopefully they were Fairtrade!
Fifty years on from Martin Luther King’s famous speech, our lives are more closely entwined than ever. That is why it is a scandal that the people who grow the food we take for granted can’t always feed their own families.   They do not have food security.
We can do something to tackle this injustice and support farmers and workers to put food on their families’ tables, by harnessing the power of a Fairtrade breakfast.
Get behind Fairtrade Fortnight and join in the…
As we are a Fairtrade Town will you help us get as many people as possible to eat a Fairtrade Breakfast in this community during Fairtrade Fortnight?
Fairtrade Breakfasts will be happening throughout the UK…can you and/or your organization take part in the biggest breakfast the world has ever seen? Go to and for resources and links for more information visit and
What counts as a Fairtrade Breakfast?
Each person eating one Fairtrade foodstuff and drinking one Fairtrade beverage qualifies and it can be any time of the day! You might have a bowl of Fairtrade muesli with a cup of Fairtrade tea at home, a coffee break with Fairtrade chocolate muffins at work, attending a BIG BREAKFAST, or grabbing a Fairtrade banana and orange juice…they all count – as long as they are registered.
So will you help?

Bring the BIG FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST to Coniston and Torver!
There are 3 simple steps to get involved:
1. Organise your own breakfast.
2. Inspire others to host a breakfast.
3. Register your breakfast on the totaliser at
Do let your local Fairtrade Team know [Every Weds. At St Andrew’s] what you are doing and if they can help.

Together we can make a difference!


January Variations

The January calendar offers some alternative ways to experience worship.  The first Sunday brought us Michael Adams who spoke about the light of Christ that eliminates all darkness.  It was his first time preaching at St. Andrews, having stepped in while Tim is on holiday in New Zealand.   His presence is full of the power of the Holy Spirit.  Our services were blessed by his ministry.

On Wednesday, 13 January, from 11 to 3 p.m., there is an Open Prayer Space at St. Andrew’s Church.  The church will be heated, candles will be lit, music will be playing and the regular structured Prayer and Praise service will take place at noon.  All are welcome to take time out, leave cares and concerns in the hands of the Almighty and step into the arms of Christ to hear what he has to say.

On Sunday 17 January, 11 a.m.,  we celebrate Christian unity with the Methodists at the Chapel for an Octave of Prayer.  St. Andrew’s Church will be open for visitors but the regular service will take place at the Methodist Chapel.

Sunday, 24 January, 6 p.m. Sing and Share takes place at St. Luke’s Church, Torver.  This is an informal service with an informal talk, worshipful songs of praise and prayer with refreshments of good food, healthful drink and sweet treats to follow.

The 5th Sunday of 31 January brings us all together at St. Luke’s Church in Torver again for Morning Prayer at 11 a.m.  Tim will be back from New Zealand for the 4th Sunday of Epiphany.

In between our regular services will be held on 10 January at both St. Luke’s and St. Andrews and 24 January at St. Andrew’s.  All welcome!


Community Harvest Supper

Sunday, 11 October 2015, Coniston Institute

Bring whatever raw ingredients you can share to the Institute anytime Saturday or Sunday up to 12 p.m Whatever is there will be used to prepare the Community Harvest.  If you want to join in the fun to cook, preparation will begin at 12:30.

All Welcome

An evening of plenty, an evening of gratitude, an evening of blessing, an evening of sharing. 

The plenty will be shared throughout the community the next day!


I Witness Now On!


Village de Solidarite - new houses built by Christian Aid.
