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Christmas 2017

Calling all families!  Christmas eve, 4pm our Youth Worker Charlie Day will lead a celebration of Christingle at St Andrew’s church.

Dare Holland will lead a late evening communion service at 11 pm the 24th taking us to midnight.  Christmas morning worship begins at 10 am on the 25th with the Rev David Bickersteth leading a service of Common Worship Holy Communion.

Morning services on Sunday the 24th are being held in the Methodist chapel at 11 am.




Are you Called to Serve?

Called to Serve

A new session of taster evenings for the month of June are being offered throughout Cumbria for this highly popular course:

Workington venue: Wednesday 17th June 2015, 7.30pm, Energus Building, Lillyhall, Workington. CA14 4JW

Carlisle venue: Monday 22nd June 2015, 7.30pm Fusehill Street Site, University of Cumbria. CA1 2HH

Kendal venue: Thursday 25th June 2015, 7.30pm Queen Katherine School, Appleby Road, Kendal. LA9 6PJ

More information can be obtained from the flyer below:

Flyer for Called to Serve



Vocations day in South Cumbria

Saturday, 8 November, 2014, Venue to be confirmed

Save the Date!

The day will be for all those interested in vocation. It will seek to address vocation across the board. It will include, lay and ordained, formal and informal expressions of Christian ministry.

  • The main contributions to the day will be led by Bishop Robert and will explore vocation and mission.
  • The venue will be in the South of Cumbria, but is still being arranged.
  • It will include refreshments and will finish about 2.30pm
  • There will be opportunities to explore in groups different forms of ministry and what they might mean.

Please register your interest now in your local parish church to reserve a place on the day!


Harvest Sunday, Everyone has a Harvest

Sunday, 29 September, 10:30 a.m., St. Andrew’s Church

Joint service with St. Luke’s Church in the morning followed by all hands on deck in the Institute.  An afternoon of community cooking will result in a Harvest Supper for all at 6:30 p.m.

How many ways can you celebrate?:

1.  Bring produce, meat and staples to the Institute on Saturday and Sunday a.m.

2.  Attend the service

3.  Help cook Sunday afternoon if you can

4.  Attend the dinner!

5.  Deliver ready meals on Monday

Everyone has a Harvest!  Contact Linda on 41777 for information.







Holy Week Events

2013 Holy Week Services and Events will be updated at the following link. Here is a brief list:

Wednesday, 27 March

  • 12:00, Prayer and Praise, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston

Thursday, 28 March, Maundy Thursday

  • 9:15     Easter Assembly at Coniston C.E. Primary School
  • 19:00  Chapel Meal and Communion Service at Coniston Methodist Church

Friday, 29 March, Good Friday

  • 11:00  Good Friday Service, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston

Easter Sunday

  • 7:30 a.m.,   Sunrise service at Coniston Boating Centre, followed by bacon butties at the Blue Bird Cafe
  • 9:00 a.m.,   C.W. Holy Communion, St. Luke’s Church, Torver
  • 11:00 a.m., C.W. Holy Communion, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston