There is a great calendar of events for the entire Crake Valley. You will find them at Church Calendar.
There is a great calendar of events for the entire Crake Valley. You will find them at Church Calendar.
This week-end, 6 and 7 October, marks the final Biker’s event of the 2018 season.
Saturday evening there will be a cook-out and band at the Sports and Social Club.
Sunday morning is the final Biker’s Breakfast of the season at the Torver School Room.
Fabulous food, joy, and a fellowship of bikers (and a few interested locals) taking time out together. Something for everyone. Whatever your faith, these events are not to be missed.
What? Torver Harvest Festival
When? 5pm on Saturday 29th September
Where? St. Luke’s, Torver, followed by the 100 Club Social
Why? To celebrate life to the full!
Who’s Welcome? If you happen to be living or visiting in or near Coniston or Torver, just come along and bring your family and friends
What can I expect on the night? Hot dogs and Pat’s Line Dancing in the Schoolroom
What can I bring? Bring your dancing shoes or cowboy boots, your friends and family.
Who benefits? Besides having a great time while there, members of the 100 club support the upkeep of the Torver School Room
A few choice morsels of activity to take us to the end of April. There is something for everyone here!
Sunday, 22 April 2018
11 a.m., Worship for All, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston. With plenty of sheep around Coniston, it won’t be hard to talk about the meaning of the Good Shepherd.
6 p.m., Cafe Church, Coniston Institute. Come along and hear from our Furness Network Youth Team about what’s happening in the area. Enjoy a hot supper too!
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
10 a.m., Concern, Coniston Methodist Church. A time to pray about area concerns.
Thursday, 26 April 2018
2 p.m., Mother’s Union, St. Andrew’s Church Coniston. Physician and christian Alex Stewart will share his faith in action from experiences in Pakistan.
Sunday, 29 April 2018
11 a.m., Worship for All, Coniston Primary School. It’s the 5th Sunday and that means we worship together (Christians Together) in Coniston. Join the Christian Fellowship, the Church of England and the Methodist Churches as we enjoy an inclusive time of sharing.
These events will take us through to glorious May. In Coniston we are blessed to have some of the most beautiful landscape in the world. This means we get to meet lots of wonderful people from around the world. All welcome!
Good Friday Services, 12 p.m. St. Andrew’s Church
Coniston Christians Together and Church of England events for Holy Week are as follows:
Tuesday, 27 March, 7:30 p.m., The Methodist Chapel
Final Lent Study, Christians Together in Coniston. Each session is different. All welcome.
Thursday, 29 March, 7 p.m., The Methodist Chapel
Maundy Thursday meditation and meal. Christians Together in Coniston, All welcome.
Friday, 30 March, Good Friday
11 a.m., A Walk of Witness will begin at the entrance to the churchyard by Donald Campbell’s grave. Christiand Together in Coniston. All welcome.
12 p.m. Good Friday service at St. Andrew’s Church
Easter Sunday, 1 April 2018
7:30 a.m., Outside Blue Bird cafe on the shores of Coniston Water. A short Easter Sunrise service of praise. Bacon Butties to follow at the Blue Bird cafe.
9:00 a.m., Biker’s Breakfast, Old School Room Torver. This will be the first Biker’s Breakfast of the season and Easter Sunday. Great praise and great food!
11 a.m., Family Friendly Easter Celebration and Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s Church Coniston. This is a combined service with the Fellowship. Charlie Day, our Youth Worker is leading and Brian Streeter is leading communion and preaching.
Hot off the press, the full Programme for Moving Mountains is now available.
From a Q & A session at NJoy, meeting youth from the John Ruskin School to an Open the Book Launch at the Primary School on Friday. Things get off to a zippy start. Great time to ask all the questions you always wanted answered in a friendly setting.
There are dinners, crafts for kids, prayer time, and even an evening at the pub at Penny Bridge in addition to our Fund raiser for the Coniston X112 which includes a way to eat and walk your way to fitness on Saturday.
Sunday there will be visiting pioneers at all the churches to talk about the whole experience of Moving Mountains. A great week-end to be in Coniston!
Moving Mountains is coming to Coniston, Saturday, 10 March 2018
A couple of items to get you excited. First, we’re raising money for the Coniston X112 which is a lifeline for individuals in this small rural village. The bus runs all the way to Barrow and is helping us to launch a walk from 13:15 as follows:
Have fun and enjoy doing something for the community at the same time!
The sun is shining, Coniston Water is sparkling and there’s a way to find your way once you’ve arrived:
Services for St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s, May 2017
7th 9.00am Bikers Breakfast in school room, Torver
11.00am 1662 Holy Communion, Coniston
10th 12 pm Prayer and Praise, Coniston
14th 9.00am 1662 Holy Communion, Torver
11.00am Worship for All, Coniston
21st 9.00am Service of the Word, Torver
11.00am Holy Communion, Coniston
28th 11.00am Morning Prayer, Coniston
6.00pm New Café Church in the Institute, Coniston
Service Times of other Denominations
Methodist Church
The morning service is at 11.00am and a warm welcome awaits you.
Church services are recorded on a CD and we would be happy to give
you a recording of the services on CD or MP3(free of charge) to anyone
in the village. For further information contact Joyce Holland on 41594.
Coniston Christian Fellowship
You are welcome to join us for our All Age meetings every Sunday at
10.30am in the Primary School, with the exception of the 4th Sunday of
each month when we will join the other churches at Café Church in the
Institute at 6pm. www.conistonchristianfellowship.co.uk
St Francis of Assisi Church of the Sacred Heart Coniston
Mass on Saturdays 6.00pm – Coniston Catholic Church.
Further information from Father Robert T. Halshaw on 01229779673
St. Luke’s, the Chapel of Ease in Torver, has just published the May Sunday Service Schedule. Here’s the line-up
9am informal service followed at 9.30 – 11.30 by sharing breakfast together.
Come along for the informal service with a cup of coffee in your hand, or come later for breakfast even if you don’t have a bike! There are so many different types of bikes arriving throughout the morning, from vintage to ‘Easy Rider’, sports bikes and customised trikes. Riders have come from Lancashire, Cumbria, Yorkshire and Tyneside so far! Quality local sausage, bacon and black pudding are served as part of the ‘Full English’ as well as hot porridge tea and coffee. Everyone is made very welcome.
MAY 8th 1662 Holy Communion
9am traditional service with organ accompaniment, followed by coffee and biscuits.
If you like the traditional, more formal yet joyous communion service with hymns played on our recently refurbished organ, this service is for you. A very warm welcome and warm ‘throws’ are given as our little church can be quite cool at times! A hot ‘speciality’ coffee and time to chat makes sure we all leave at the end with an ‘inner glow’.
MAY 15th Healing and Worship Service
9am Worship service with a time of prayer for yourself or someone you know.
This service is accompanied by the organ with worship, Bible readings and sermon. There will be opportunity to receive prayer for yourself or someone you know and this is conducted in a very sensitive manner. Tea and our special coffee end our service at 10am.
MAY 22nd Sing and Share
6pm. informal service in the Old Schoolroom next door, with guest speaker and hot complimentary supper to follow.
If you don’t ‘do’ church, try coming along one evening. Every month we have a different speaker who shares something of their ‘faith journey’ or talent, or gifting. We have had a cup cake maker and beautician, an upholsterer, song writer, band, and the Beech boys support team ‘Christine’ to mention just a few of our interesting speakers so far! We finish with everyone sharing good conversation and a hot supper together. Family, friends and visitors are most welcome.
Please contact Linda on 41777 if you are bringing a ‘gang’, to be sure we have enough food available.