Category Archives: Discipleship

January Variations

The January calendar offers some alternative ways to experience worship.  The first Sunday brought us Michael Adams who spoke about the light of Christ that eliminates all darkness.  It was his first time preaching at St. Andrews, having stepped in while Tim is on holiday in New Zealand.   His presence is full of the power of the Holy Spirit.  Our services were blessed by his ministry.

On Wednesday, 13 January, from 11 to 3 p.m., there is an Open Prayer Space at St. Andrew’s Church.  The church will be heated, candles will be lit, music will be playing and the regular structured Prayer and Praise service will take place at noon.  All are welcome to take time out, leave cares and concerns in the hands of the Almighty and step into the arms of Christ to hear what he has to say.

On Sunday 17 January, 11 a.m.,  we celebrate Christian unity with the Methodists at the Chapel for an Octave of Prayer.  St. Andrew’s Church will be open for visitors but the regular service will take place at the Methodist Chapel.

Sunday, 24 January, 6 p.m. Sing and Share takes place at St. Luke’s Church, Torver.  This is an informal service with an informal talk, worshipful songs of praise and prayer with refreshments of good food, healthful drink and sweet treats to follow.

The 5th Sunday of 31 January brings us all together at St. Luke’s Church in Torver again for Morning Prayer at 11 a.m.  Tim will be back from New Zealand for the 4th Sunday of Epiphany.

In between our regular services will be held on 10 January at both St. Luke’s and St. Andrews and 24 January at St. Andrew’s.  All welcome!


Community Harvest Supper

Sunday, 11 October 2015, Coniston Institute

Bring whatever raw ingredients you can share to the Institute anytime Saturday or Sunday up to 12 p.m Whatever is there will be used to prepare the Community Harvest.  If you want to join in the fun to cook, preparation will begin at 12:30.

All Welcome

An evening of plenty, an evening of gratitude, an evening of blessing, an evening of sharing. 

The plenty will be shared throughout the community the next day!


I Witness Now On!


Village de Solidarite - new houses built by Christian Aid.


Believe in Barrow


A celebration of faith and outreach across Barrow.  Four evenings,         7 p.m. at Barrow Park

Click here for more information

Scheduled events include the following:

The Archbishop of York, Wednesday 13 May ,                                            Roger Simpson, Thursday 14 May,                                                                             Friday, 15 May,  London based Springs Dance Company and Norway’s TX Vikings Extreme Power Team  perform

On Saturday 16 May,  singer/songwriter Steph Macleod is performing live in Barrow Park. Gary heard him last year at the Keswick Convention and you could ‘hear a pin drop’ – the honesty of his lyrics is both heart-warming and inspiring. Steph’s website reads: 

On February 13th 2006, Steph Macleod found himself in the Bethany Christian Centre; a 17 bed hostel for homeless men with addiction problems. He had previously been living rough on the streets of Edinburgh where he begged to feed his alcohol and drug addiction. Before entering the Bethany Centre Steph had broke contact with his friends and family, had been banned from homeless hostels, and was waking up every other day in hospital due to the severity of which he drank. He was told by medical professionals that death was inevitable if he continued to abuse himself in such a manner. Desperate but unable to rid himself of his addiction Steph found out about the Bethany Christian Centre through his GP.

Steph had once been a promising classical guitar student at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, but personal problems stemming from his teenage years led to mental health problems. Steph found sanctuary in alcohol and drugs. These problems continued to grow and grow until they consumed him and became his sole priority in every aspect of his life.

During his 8 month stay at the Bethany centre Steph began to address his reasons for drinking and taking drugs. It was during this time that he also found the saving grace of Jesus Christ!’

Steph’s story is both remarkable and inspiring; the lyrics in his songs express raw honesty which will touch the hearts of all who hear him’.

You can reserve tickets on-line at or phone 07538 863 285

Finally, please continue to pray for Believe in Barrow that this celebration of faith will be honouring to God and a real blessing across Barrow (and beyond!).


Nourishing the Soul

The wonderful Spirituality course ‘Nourishing the Soul’ begins in the new year. It ran for the first time 2 years ago and was hugely appreciated by the many lay church members and clergy who participated – there have been many requests to offer it again. It is led by members of the Cumbria Ecumenical Spirituality Group (including Canon Cameron Butland, our diocesan Spirituality Adviser).

This course is for you if you want to:

Ø  Discover more about your Christian spiritual heritage

Ø  Experience different ways of praying

Ø  Find new resources to feed and enrich your soul

Ø  Meet with others on a similar journey of discovery

Ø  Reaffirm your own faith journey

Ø  Consider becoming a spiritual director…

The course takes place on one Saturday per month between February and November 2015, at Rydal Hall near Ambleside. The deadline for applications is 31st January. Contact Chris Woods on

Nourishing the soul 2015


Finding your mission shaped ministry

Beginning in 2015 a new course

offering Fresh Expressions



 Course timetable and venue

Saturday 24th January 2015
Wednesday 11th or Thursday 12th February 2015
Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd March 2015
Wednesday 15th or Thursday 16th April 2015
Wednesday 13th or Thursday 14th May 2015
Wednesday 10th or Thursday 11th June 2015
Saturday 11th July 2015
Saturday 19th September 2015
Wednesday 14th or Thursday 15th October 2015
Wednesday 11th or Thursday 12th November 2015
Saturday 5th December 2015

Saturdays are 09.30-16.00 at Penrith Methodist Church, Wordsworth Street, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7QY.

Weekdays are 19.30-21.30 at Bamber Bridge Methodist Church, Station Road, Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, PR5 6ED (Wednesdays) or Penrith Methodist Church (Thursdays).

The residential weekend is at The Leyland Hotel, Leyland Way, Leyland, Preston, Lancashire, PR25 4JX.


£275 per person, which covers all materials, refreshments and the weekend away. Financial support may be available.


Download the flier and booking form at the foot of the page or book online.


Advent Sunday, Commissioning of Pamela

Special Service November 30th Advent Sunday

A special joint Service between Torver and Coniston Anglican Churches is being held on 30th November at 11 a.m. in St. Andrew’s Coniston.  At the service of Holy Communion Canon Amiel Osmaston, The Diocesan Ministerial Development Officer, will commission Mrs Pamela Hull on behalf of the Bishop of Carlisle as Local Lay Minister for Coniston and Torver.  This means that Pamela has undergone approved theological training with the Diocesan Training Scheme and will hold a license from the Bishop to lead worship and work for the Church in the Parishes.

We pray for God’s blessing on Pamela and Howard as he supports her, in Pamela’s ministry with us.

