Category Archives: Discipleship

Chaplaincy Project Opportunity

Chaplaincy to the Tourist Industry

What is it? What are we aiming to do?

The Tourism Chaplaincy Project is about organising small teams of people to reach out to, and get alongside people involved in the tourist industry.

A chaplain is a person who is: “among people, with people, for people, providing a caring listening ear”.

A chaplain is a person who gets alongside others, in their daily life, workplace, or in our case, also places of rest and relaxation, listening to the stories people want to share – about their work, their families, their life, maybe their worries, and even sometimes about God.

It’s about being present, being available, being where we are invited, not imposing our ideas on others in any way, just showing love and care towards all.

The project aims to develop this type of ‘listening presence’ for those who work in the tourist industry.

We are looking at how we might reach beyond the walls of our church buildings, to engage in new, exciting but relevant ways with those who work in and visit this beautiful, but challenging, part of the world.

As part of this project, you are invited to following event:-

Chaplaincy Project Exploration Forum’ On Thursday 25th January

3:00 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m.

At Ambleside Parish Centre where we will share a little more about the project, and listen to how YOU think this project might work, and how we can develop it.

This meeting is for you if you:

  • work in any way in a hotel, restaurant, or other tourist outlet
  • are connected to any church of any denomination, and are interested in this project
  • are a B&B or hotel (of any size) manager or owner
  • connected to the hospitality and tourism industry in any other way
  • are just interested in what we are hoping to do
  • might even consider volunteering as a member of a chaplaincy team


If you can’t make it, but would like to know more, then please contact me, Maggie Patchett, tel: 015394 42971, or via Ambleside or Windermere Methodist Church.  


Unity Week Events in Coniston and Hawkshead

UNITY WEEK: 21 – 28 January.

The Theme

That all may be free’

comes from the Caribbean, and a number of events are planned for the week.

Joint Service (Coniston & Torver) , 21 January, The Methodist Chapel, 11 a.m., Coniston

WALK (led by John Dixon) on Monday 22nd, January

(meet at 2.00 p.m. at Tarn Hows car park for a walk around the tarn),


BRING AND SHARE MEAL at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 24th January,

Hawkshead Hill Chapel. More details to come.


Karen Needham comes to Filling Station



Come to hear this heart warming and remarkable story at THE MARCHESI CENTRE, Holly Road,   WINDERMERE LA23 2AF at 7:30 Thursday 19 October and join in our special fellowship, around     tea and coffee as we celebrate the Lord’s purposes being worked out in the world.


This month, Filling Station welcomes KAREN NEEDHAM – Regional Development Manager for SAT-7, a unique television station, broadcasting in Arabic, Turkish and Farsi to 500 million people in the Middle East and North Africa.  Former church leader and solicitor – previously involved at St Thomas’ in Kendal – Karen trains and equips UK speakers and ambassadors, and herself speaks across the country.

SAT-7 is a Christian service, based in the Middle East, created by the Middle Eastern Council of     Churches, bringing together all the denominations in the region, who must agree on the programming.  More than one hundred ME Christians manage operations in Egypt, the Lebanon and Turkey. Eighty percent of programmes are made locally.  The service is free – and watched by 21 million viewers.

An estimated 13 million children are without schools in this vast region, and poverty, child marriage and radicalisation are the norm. So SAT-7 has set up an Academy channel – launched last month !  This will be their school on the air !

         “IT’S TRULY OUR CHURCH – FOR THE TIME BEING” says a secret believer.



May Worship, Coniston and Torver

The sun is shining, Coniston Water is sparkling and there’s a way to find your way once you’ve arrived:

Services for St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s, May  2017
7th      9.00am Bikers Breakfast in school room, Torver
11.00am 1662 Holy Communion, Coniston

10th     12 pm Prayer and Praise, Coniston

14th    9.00am 1662 Holy Communion, Torver
11.00am Worship for All, Coniston

21st     9.00am Service of the Word, Torver
11.00am Holy Communion, Coniston

28th    11.00am Morning Prayer, Coniston
6.00pm New Café Church in the Institute, Coniston

Service Times of other Denominations
Methodist Church
The morning service is at 11.00am and a warm welcome awaits you.
Church services are recorded on a CD and we would be happy to give
you a recording of the services on CD or MP3(free of charge) to anyone
in the village. For further information contact Joyce Holland on 41594.

Coniston Christian Fellowship
You are welcome to join us for our All Age meetings every Sunday at
10.30am in the Primary School, with the exception of the 4th Sunday of
each month when we will join the other churches at Café Church in the
Institute at 6pm.

St Francis of Assisi Church of the Sacred Heart Coniston
Mass on Saturdays 6.00pm – Coniston Catholic Church.
Further information from Father Robert T. Halshaw on 01229779673


Bank Holiday Week-end Services

Saturday 29 April

6 p.m. mass,  St Francis of Assisi church of the Sacred Heart, Coniston

Sunday 30 April

10:30 a.m., Coniston Christian Fellowship, Coniston Primary School

10 a.m., Worship for All, St. Luke’s Church Torver.  Both St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s will be worshipping together in Torver.  All welcome.

11 a.m., Methodist Chapel, Coniston, morning service.  All welcome.



What’s On, Sunday 23 April

Looking to round out your Easter holiday?  Here’s what’s happening in Coniston faith communities this week-end.

Saturday 22 April

6 p.m. mass,  St Francis of Assisi church of the Sacred Heart, Coniston

Sunday 23 April

10:30 a.m., Coniston Christian Fellowship, Coniston Primary School

11 a.m., Worship for All, St. Andrew’s Church Coniston.  Peter will be straying from the lectionary to speak about a subject which has special meaning for him.  Clare is on the keyboard/organ and Pamela is leading.

11 a.m., Methodist Chapel, Coniston, morning service.  All welcome.

6 p.m. Cafe Church, Coniston Institute.  Join John Watters, a biker with the CMA, who will be sharing his journey of faith.  An informal service.  Enjoy a feast of cakes to fortify you after a day of climbing.



Holy Week 2017, Events in Coniston

Good Friday

Here is the latest info for what is going on in Coniston, Cumbria for Holy Week:

  1. Fair Trade Coffee Morning, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston 10:30 to noon, Wednesday, 12 April, 2017
  2. Open Prayer Space, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston 10:30 to noon, Wednesday.
  3. Prayer & Praise, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston 12 noon, Wednesday.
  4. Maundy Thursday, Methodist Chapel, Coniston, Service and Bring & Share Supper, 7 p.m., Thursday, 13 April 2017
  5. Good Friday, Walk of Witness, Old Hawkshead Road at Coniston Church Yard, 11 a.m., Friday, 14 April, 2017
  6. Easter Sunday, Sunrise Service, 7:30 a.m., Lake Shore by Bluebird Cafe, followed by bacon butties at cafe.
  7. Easter Sunday, Celebrate Easter at St. Lukes Torver 9 a.m.; Christian Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Coniston Primary School; Methodist Chapel, Coniston, 11 a.m.; St. Andrew’s Coniston 11 a.m.;

We welcome all to participate in the events leading up to the greatest day on the Christian calendar.  Blessings to you all!


Cafe Church

Cafe Church, Sunday 26 March 2017, Coniston Institute.

Come and hear our Youth Leader, Charlie Day, tell us his story.

Refresh yourself at 6 p.m. with coffee and cakes along the way.

Charlie Day, Youth Leader for Coniston and Torver
