Just Walk Across the Room

7:30 p.m., Tuesday evenings at the Vicarage

The Home Group is currently focusing on the message as proclaimed in Bill Hybel’s book, ‘Just Walk Across the Room’.  What if redirecting a person’s forever really is as simple as walking across a room?  This is a powerful course with life changing implications.  If you are interested in learning more, just come along.


The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story will be the theme of Fun Time on Wednesday, 10 December at St. Andrew’s Church from 2 to 3 p.m.  There will be music, crafts and treats for all who come.  Mothers and young children are welcome.


St. Andrew’s Day Services

St. Andrew’s Church will hold a joint service with St. Luke’s Torver for St. Andrew’s Day, on 30 November.

10:30 a.m.  – Joint Service followed by a bring and share lunch in church.

Theme:  Invitation to the Kingdom

Isaiah 52: 7-10

Matthew 4:18-22

 6:30 p.m. – Sung Evensong

 8 to 9 p.m.  – You2 at Holland’s Cafe


Remembrance Sunday

9 November 2008

10:50 a.m. St. Andrew’s Church

Father Peter, from the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, will be preaching.

The Rev. Tony Wells, Ulverston Methodist Church, will say the prayers.

An alternative service will be held at St. Luke’s Church in  Torver, 1662 Holy Communion, at 9:30 a.m.


Back to Church Sunday

Sunday, 28 September, St. Andrew’s Church

  • 11:00 a.m.  Morning Worship
  • 6 p.m.  Sung Evensong

This is an invitation to all who are called.  What have you been missing?  Come into the light and experience the power of the Holy Spirit.


Basecamp Returns

11 a.m., Sunday, 3 August, St. Andrew’s Church

Something special happens when young people run and plan the Sunday service.  The music will be differrent, perhaps a bit zippier and in a different style.  Lots of smiles and laughter ring through the air and the enthusiasm is enough to get even the most conservative souls off their seats.  Yes, Basecamp returns to Coniston on Sunday, 3 August and promises to be a treat.


David and Goliath

At Fun Time on the 9th July, the story will be called “David and Goliath”. Fun time is an hours worth of singing, a story and refreshments especially for children who are five years or less and their parents or carers. We meet at 2.00pm at St Andrews Church Coniston.


Two Concerts in July

The Lakeland Singers will be performing a concert at St. Andrews Church on 12th July at 7:30 pm. The cost will be £5 which includes refreshments.

The following day, on the 13th July there will be a concert to celebrate the centenary of the organ. George Speed who plays the organ for a Cambridgeshire parish, Tony Wells on trumpet, Julie Blaney on Oboe and Joan Abbott on piano will be playing at St. Andrews.  The concert starts at 8:00 pm.  A retiring collection will be taken at the end.  Refreshments will be served.
