Grace-God’s Amazing Gift

An interactive bible study by Jenny Baker, Series Editor Jeff Lucas, Tuesday nights, The Vicarage, 7:30 p.m.

We are studying the above course at the Tuesday evening meeting – it is very informative and we are learning so much. Hazel is leading.

On this course there are eight sessions:
1. Introducing Grace
2. From survival to surprise
3. Experiencing grace
4. From abandonment to assurance
5. Transforming grace
6. From compromise to character
7. Liberating grace
8. From isolation to community
We all would love to see new faces at the Tuesday evening meetings and everyone is welcome. We are currently working on session 5 but there are notes from all the other sessions if anyone would like to have copies. We learn with and from each other studying God’s word.

The Seven Churches of Revelation

Tuesday, 15 June, marked the beginning of a new study led by Andrew and Carol.

The Seven Churches will take us on a journey through the first three chapters of St. John’s Revelation.  We will look afresh at our churches here and see what Jesus is telling us today.  Is there a common vision we all share for the future?  Let’s see where Jesus takes us.  7:30 p.m., Tuesday nights, The Vicarage.



Pentecost Sunday, 17 June, 6 p.m., at St. Andrew’s Church

Worship in the power of the Holy Spirit.  A service of prayer, music and faith open to all who seek the presence of the Living Lord.


For Lent – God is closer than you think

God is closer - book front

Teaching Theme for February and March during Lent

A study following the thoughts of John Ortberg, pastor and author, who encourage us in the belief that God is near and knowing him is possible for everyone who wants to feel his presence: “The teaching of Scripture is that God really is present right here, right now…. The Spirit of God is available to you and me: flowing all the time, welling up within us, quenching our unsatisfied desires, overflowing to refresh those around us.” Ortberg’s suggestions”to believe that God is in everything, to seek him in the daily and mundane, to learn to recognize and encourage God-inspired thoughts, to look for him in the people you meet and to obey his promptings, though not new, provide us with a series of ideas and activities to begin to change the way they see God in their lives.

God Is Closer Than You Think: This Can Be the Greatest Moment of Your Life Because This Moment Is the Place Where You Can Meet God


Village Prayer

7 p.m. at The Vicarage, Tuesday nights and 7 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Wednesday mornings

What happens when we pray for God’s blessings on a village and its people?  Come and witness the power of prayer.


Harvest Festival

Sunday, 11 October at 6:00 p.m., St. Luke’s Torver

This year’s Harvest Festival service will be held at St. Luke’s church in Torver. It will be followed by a ‘bring and share’ in the Torver School Room which means lots of great food and company in a beautiful setting.  All are welcome.
