Community Request

St Luke’s would like to prepare the lovely old church ready for the winter months including Harvest & Christmas Services.  If you can spare an hour or two from 10.30 am on Sunday 16th September it would be greatly appreciated.

We need help with the following jobs:-

1. Concreting materials supplied (muscles needed for this)

2. Grounds  tidying and planting

3. Woodwork  filling and painting (need ladders)

4. Pews Dusting and polishing

5. Window Cleaning.

Please bring Marigold gloves and come and have fun, friendship and yummy soup.

Please Contact Linda on 015394 41777 or Marie on 015394 41634


Life is worth Exploring

Beginning soon at St. Andrew’s Church

Alpha. This is an exploration into the Christian faith. What’s it all about? What is the substance? What is the truth? To seek and find, call Andrew or Carol Callaway on 0793 755905 or Mark East on 015394 41262.

Sponsored by St. Andrew’s Church


Celebrate Harvest Festival

On Sunday, 2 October, St. Andrew’s Church will celebrate the Harvest with Grizedale Arts.  Last year was a lesson in grace and this year will surely be equally exceptional. Following the 6 p.m. service at St. Andrew’s Church, the meal will be served from 7:30 p.m. at the Coniston Primary School, Shepherds Bridge.

Celebrate the Harvest

Celebrate the Harvest at St. Andrew's Church

From 1 to 6 p.m., all are welcome to come and help cook.

Donations of fresh garden produce welcome anytime up to 12 noon on 2 October at St. Andrew’s church.

Please book in advance with Maria on 41050 or Mark on 41262, if possible!


Summer Fete

Saturday, 23 July from 10 a.m., St. Andrew’s Church

Stalls, games, activities and food. Help and Donations of Items gratefully welcomed.  Contact Gill Smout on 41620 or Mark East on 41262.

Funds raised for St. Andrew’s Church & Coniston Carers

We would gratefully receive donations of small new items for the Tombola.


Broughton Parish Walk

Sunday, 17th July, beginning at 2:30 p.m. at Broughton Square.

Walk first to the Woodland Church, then over the ‘Monks Trod’ to Torver. Six miles with some up-hill stretches.

Eat at the Wilson Arms, 7 p.m. and return to Broughton via mini-bus around 9 p.m. Food needs to be pre-ordered. Contact Linda Inman on 41777.


Easter Services

Last night’s Maundy Thursday service at the Methodist Church was lovely. 32 attended to receive communion along with a light buffet.  More services follow:

Friday, 12 p.m., Walk of Witness beginning at Sacred Heart Church

Sunday, 7:30 a.m., Sunrise Service at Coniston Lake near Blue Bird Cafe

Sunday, 9:30 a.m., St. Luke’s Church, Torver

Sunday, 11 a.m., St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston

Sunday, 6 p.m., United Easter Praise with music by Ulverston Methodist Church Band, in St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston

Worship with us if you can as we celebrate He lives!
