Vocations day in South Cumbria

Saturday, 8 November, 2014, Venue to be confirmed

Save the Date!

The day will be for all those interested in vocation. It will seek to address vocation across the board. It will include, lay and ordained, formal and informal expressions of Christian ministry.

  • The main contributions to the day will be led by Bishop Robert and will explore vocation and mission.
  • The venue will be in the South of Cumbria, but is still being arranged.
  • It will include refreshments and will finish about 2.30pm
  • There will be opportunities to explore in groups different forms of ministry and what they might mean.

Please register your interest now in your local parish church to reserve a place on the day!


Are you Called to Serve?

CalledToServe2014-2015 course dates have been published for the popular Called to Serve course in Cumbria.  

Poster for Called to Serve
Come to a Taster evening and decide:

Kendal venue: Thursday 12th June 2014, 7.30pm-9.15pm The Gate, 128 Stricklandgate, Kendal.  LA9 4QG

Carlisle venue: Monday 23rd June 2014, 7.30pm- 9.15pm  Fusehill Street Site, University of Cumbria

Gosforth venue: Thursday 3rd July 2014, 7.30pm- 9.15pm  St. Mary’s Church Room, Wasdale Road


The Gospel According to St Matthew

Saturday 25th January 2014, 9.30am – 1.00pm, The Theatre, Ulverston Parish Centre

Rev Dr Roger Latham is leading a Seminar on the book from which the 2014 lectionary readings will be taken.

Cost:   £5 per person including refreshments.

Please book early and to pre-book your place

Tel: Parish Office on 01229 588081

or Allen Legate on 01229 869906


Organised through the Furness Deanery
