Category Archives: Special Events

Christian Motorcyclist’s (CMA) Events, October 1 & 2, Coniston & Tover

Beginning at 4 p.m. Saturday 1 October, the Christian Motorcyclists Association will be gathering along with other visitors and locals for week-end of events.  A BBQ, Band, Bar, and Camping at the Coniston Sports and Social Club followed by breakfast at the Torver School Room in the morning.  The end of season special event!


Torver Biker's Breakfast


September Highlights

It’s September and everything seems to be starting up again.  Back to school, leaves turning on trees, and a harvest on the brambles.   Here are a few ways, outside of the normal services, to explore your faith in Coniston and Torver:

Sunday, 4 September, 9 a.m., Biker’s Breakfast at St. Luke’s Torver.  A song, a reading, a word for the day, a prayer, then breakfast.  Time for spirituality, food and good conversation.  Goes on until 11:30.

Wednesday, 14 September, 11-3 p.m.  Open Prayer Space St. Andrew’s Coniston.  Candles and music and prayer for all.  Enjoy the space and time to just be with God.

Wednesday, 21 and 28 September, 12 p.m.. Prayer & Praise, St. Andrew’s Coniston.  A 30 minute service of time out to refresh.  Meditation, music and worship.  A time to just listen to God.

Sunday, 25 September, 11 a.m., Harvest Sunday, Methodist Chapel. A joint service with St. Andrew’s.  All welcome to the service and lunch to follow!

Sunday, 25 September, 6 p.m., Harvest and Sing & Share, St. Luke’s Torver.  A celebration in the newly refurbished Torver Village Hall!


August Events

It’s August and a time to dip your toe into something new.  Here are a few ways, outside of the normal services, to explore your faith in Coniston and Torver:

Sunday, 7 August, 9 a.m., Biker’s Breakfast at St. Luke’s Torver.  A song, a reading, a word for the day, a prayer, then breakfast.  Time for spirituality, food and good conversation.  Goes on until 11:30.

Sunday, 7 August 5 p.m., Open Air family worship, St. Andrew’s Coniston, led by the Methodist Church.  a little magic, a little singing, and a word to take away.  Good fun too!

Wednesday, 10 August, 11-3 p.m.  Open Prayer Space St. Andrew’s Coniston.  Candles and music and prayer for all.  Enjoy the space and time to just be with God.

Wednesday, 10, 17, 24 & 31 August, 12 p.m.. Prayer & Praise, St. Andrew’s Coniston.  A 30 minute service of time out to refresh.  Meditation, music and worship.  A time to just listen to God.

Sunday, 28 August, 6 p.m., Sing & Share, St. Luke’s Torver.  An informal service followed by supper.  Sing for your supper!



Rooted and Grounded in Love

The Cumbria Spirituality Group is offering a prayer taster day, Saturday, 17 September, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church and Ambleside Church Centre.

Keynote Speaker, Roy Searle, will talk about Loving God, Loving Others, the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Other speakers for the various sessions include Kath Dodd, Pauline West, Richard Broughton, Alison Mesher and Cameron Butland.

This will be a rich spiritual experience for all.  Details below:

Rooted and Grounded in Love


Developing a Healing Ministry

Message from Revd. Canon Amiel Osmaston,  Ministry Development Officer, Diocese of Carlisle,

We are planning a series of “Developing Healing Ministry” Training Days across the Diocese. They will be an opportunity for:

  • a refresher day for members of existing prayer ministry teams
  • a training day for new ministry teams or new members of teams
  • general prayer ministry skills for anyone who would like more confidence in praying for others, eg in small groups, with friends.

Please consider going yourself, and help to publicise this around your churches and specifically to anyone who is a member of a Pastoral visiting team or a Healing/Prayer ministry team.  Thank you.
Dates and venues will be:

Saturday 9th July                   St Paul’s Barrow
Saturday 5th November       St Michael’s Carlisle
Saturday 12th November    Christ Church Cockermouth
Feb/Mar 2017                       Kendal TBC

Each day will follow a similar format.
The flyer/poster for the first of these days – in Barrow on 9th July 2016 – Healing MInistry


The Great Wave of Prayer

Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has called on all churches across the land to participate in a week of prayer, from 8 to 15 May.  You are invited to join the following events taking place in Coniston.

St. Andrew’s Church, Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Open Prayer Space, 11:00 to 12:00; 12:30 to 15:00

Time Out, Prayer & Praise, 12:00 to 12:30 

Why pray?  Christians believe that ‘prayer changes things’, and we are all very aware of the need for peace and hope in our world which is trying to cope with so many issues of local, national and international concern.  Even the scientific and  medical communities have recognised that when people are prayed for, even if not believers themselves, their recovery record is consistently better than those who were not open to prayer.

The Prayer Space is in the body of the warm church and is there for anyone to pop in at any time.  You may wish to sit quietly and reflect in peace, write a prayer on a tag and attach it to the prayer tree, light a candle for someone you care for or just ‘be’. There is usually someone there to talk to or pray with if you wish to, but that choice will be yours.

Time Out is for those who want to come together with others to focus on a theme in an active spirit of worship with music and prayer.  Time to listen to God.

Often when crisis strikes we can feel helpless or even hopeless, not knowing what to do to help…when that happens…we can always pray!

‘Fear not for I am with you,

Be not dismayed for I am your God,

I will strengthen you, I will help you,

I will uphold you with my victorious right hand’

Isaiah 41:10

So let’s do something positive, and ‘pop-in and pray!’



It doesn’t sound very exciting, but change is afoot and we would love for the communities of Coniston and Torver to jump on board.

The Annual General Meeting for the ecclesiastical parish of Coniston & Torver will take place on Thursday 7 April, 7 p.m., at St. Andrew’s Church.

The electoral rolls of Torver and Coniston have been combined into a new roll.  This is currently posted on the notice board of St. Andrew’s Church.

On this occasion, because the date was moved forward and very few people on the PCC were informed, let alone the parishioners, we are accepting additions to the electoral roll for individuals living in Coniston or Torver up to day of the meeting.  If you are not currently on the combined roll, there are ER application forms at the back of St. Andrew’s church.

We would love to welcome you to membership in the CofE faith community of Coniston and Torver!






Mountain Pilgrims

6 p.m., Sunday 28 February, Torver School Room, LA21 8AZ

John Fleetwood and Richard Passmore from Kendal are coming to speak on Mountain Pilgrims: Journeying Together to Uncover the richness of life, by reimagining the mountain experience.

Mountain pilgrims is an emerging community of people that share a sense of awe in the mountains.  We are seeking to explore the transcendence behind the mountains, valleys, hills and lakes: to meet in the Lakeland hills to better understand what it is that draws us to the thin places – the places where we sense something more than the everyday.

There will be a hot supper to follow, everyone welcome!


