Category Archives: Special Events

A day of celebration at St. Andrew’s

On Sunday, 31 January 1819, George Henry Law, the Bishop of Chester, consecrated the new building that is currently St. Andrew’s Church. So of course we are going to celebrate this year on Thursday, 31 January 2019.

First, we will have a Bicentenary Dedication at noon. Then at 2 p.m., the Mother’s Union will hold a service of rededication at St. Andrew’s.

Everyone is welcome. the views over Coniston are magical. Come on in from the cold and celebrate!

The Old Man over Coniston Water


Christian Meditation in Cumbria

We have some dates for your diary from January to June 2019. Block them out now so you don’t lose out!

Our programme for January to June is now available. Please click this link to view it:

On Saturday 26th January at Ambleside Parish CentreBob Morley will be leading a Day of Gathering for the community, centering around our one-ness in the stillness and silence of meditation. We will look into our hearts for our direct experience of God as Love, with reflections from mystics past and present. We will also look at the notion of the existence, or not, of sin. The day will also include lectio divina and time for questions and discussion. Please download the poster here and display if you are able:

Our Hyning retreat this year is Friday 29nd March – Sunday 31st March. It will be lead by Anthony Finnerty on the theme The Wayless Way of Meister Eckhart. The weekend will include a general introduction to some of the key themes of Eckhart’s mystical teaching and opportunity to explore the paradoxical silence he promotes. This will be a time for meditation woven in alongside presentations and discussion.

We’re very pleased to welcome Neil Douglas-Klotz to Ambleside Parish Centre Saturday 11th May for a day entitled Hidden Gospel: Meditations with the Aramaic Words of Jesus. Chanting and meditating with the words of Jesus in his native Aramaic language has become one of the most widespread methods of community-based, devotional contemplative prayer and ritual. Using Aramaic (either aloud or silently) offers one a direct connection—through vibration, sound and breath—to the spirituality of person who used the words, as well as to the indigenous Christianity of the Middle East

I’d like to draw your attention to Caring for Our Common Home, a day conference on Saturday, 2nd February organised by the Cumbria Theological Society. For more information, please follow this link

New year blessings from Richard!

Copyright © 2018 Christian Meditation Cumbria, All rights reserved.


Saltmine Theatre Company presents Hark!

Coming to Coniston, Sunday the 9th of December is Hark!

This is a nativity story like you’ve never seen before.

Where?  The John Ruskin School, Coniston

When?   Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

How do I buy tickets?   Advance tickets can be purchased at the Coniston Newsagents but they will also be available at the door.

What does it cost?   The price for adults is £7 and children is £3

Still have some questions?  Click on this link.


Biker’s Breakfast, end of 2018 Season Social

This week-end, 6 and 7 October, marks the final Biker’s event of the 2018 season.

Saturday evening there will be a cook-out and band at the Sports and Social Club.

Sunday morning is the final Biker’s Breakfast of the season at the Torver School Room.

Fabulous food, joy, and a fellowship of bikers (and a few interested locals) taking time out together.  Something for everyone.  Whatever your faith, these events are not to be missed.


One True Story

For Advent 2018 we are coming together to study using Tim Chester’s

2018 Advent Study Guide

Study begins at Julie and Kevin’s on Tuesday, 20 November.

The CTC committee members from various churches will be taking names of interested participants to order the book.  Please speak to Hilary Thompson (Methodists), Magdalen Gee (Catholics) or Pamela Hull (Anglicans) so that we can order your copy.

