Category Archives: Services

Waiting for the Holy Spirit

Services, Sunday 4 May 2008

9:30 St. Luke’s Torver – Morning Worship

11:00 St. Andrew’s Coniston – 1662 Holy Communion

Acts 1: 6-14

John 17: 1-11

18:30 Christians Together in Coniston, Annual Gathering & Bring and Share meal at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church and Presbytery – All Welcome!


Ascension Day Holy Communion

10 a.m., Thursday, 1 May 2008, St. Andrew’s Church, Holy Communion

The service will be followed by a Church Audio Review at 11 a.m.

The audio system will be upgraded and tested. Please come along, or stay after the 10 a.m. service to assist us in ensuring that the sound system is effective for all.


Pulpit Swap – Sunday 13 April 2008

11:00, Morning Worship at St. Andrew’s Church with the Rev. Tony Wells

Pulpit Swap with the Coniston Methodist Church.  Mark East, Priest in Charge of St. Andrew’s Church,  will preach at St. Luke’s Torver for the 9:30 1662 service and 11:00 at the Coniston Methodist Church.
