Category Archives: Services

A Harvest of Blessing

You are warmly invited to join us for a Harvest Festival Service
at St. Andrew’s, followed by home made refreshments.
This is a joint Service with the Methodists Chapel.

If you would like to bring a cake to share that would be lovely but not necessary. Your presence in our lovely church is the best thing you can bring as we givethanks for the abundant goodness we have in this beautiful rural community. The church will be decorated on Saturday.
Any contributions to the decoration such as flowers, foliage, veg. etc can be left in the church, or come and help on Saturday morning and join in the fun.
See you on Sunday at 11am!

Advent Sunday, Commissioning of Pamela

Special Service November 30th Advent Sunday

A special joint Service between Torver and Coniston Anglican Churches is being held on 30th November at 11 a.m. in St. Andrew’s Coniston.  At the service of Holy Communion Canon Amiel Osmaston, The Diocesan Ministerial Development Officer, will commission Mrs Pamela Hull on behalf of the Bishop of Carlisle as Local Lay Minister for Coniston and Torver.  This means that Pamela has undergone approved theological training with the Diocesan Training Scheme and will hold a license from the Bishop to lead worship and work for the Church in the Parishes.

We pray for God’s blessing on Pamela and Howard as he supports her, in Pamela’s ministry with us.



Bible Sunday, 27 October 2013

Join us at 11 a.m., St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston, Cumbria.

On Bible Sunday we will reflect on the importance of the Bible and look at how it can speak God’s word to us.   During the service we will be making an Origami Dove to represent the word of God, the Bible.  A Bible Society Video of China will be shown to highlight the growth of the Church there and the need for more Chinese Bibles.

Our final hymn will be an acappella version of Santo, Santo, Santo.






Harvest Sunday, Everyone has a Harvest

Sunday, 29 September, 10:30 a.m., St. Andrew’s Church

Joint service with St. Luke’s Church in the morning followed by all hands on deck in the Institute.  An afternoon of community cooking will result in a Harvest Supper for all at 6:30 p.m.

How many ways can you celebrate?:

1.  Bring produce, meat and staples to the Institute on Saturday and Sunday a.m.

2.  Attend the service

3.  Help cook Sunday afternoon if you can

4.  Attend the dinner!

5.  Deliver ready meals on Monday

Everyone has a Harvest!  Contact Linda on 41777 for information.







Our New Priest

Monday, 9 September 2013, St. Andrew’s Church, 7:30 p.m. Induction service for the Reverend Tim Harmer.  We look forward to welcoming our new Priest-in-Charge of St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s churches.  The Bishop of Carlisle has appointed the Reverend Tim Harmer, an experienced Priest, who together with his wife June, who is a Commissioned Lay Minister in the Church of England, will move into the Vicarage. He is appointed on a House for Duty basis which means he will work for 20 hours per week in return for the use of the Vicarage.

We look forward to September when Tim and his wife June move to our community.


Holy Week Events

2013 Holy Week Services and Events will be updated at the following link. Here is a brief list:

Wednesday, 27 March

  • 12:00, Prayer and Praise, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston

Thursday, 28 March, Maundy Thursday

  • 9:15     Easter Assembly at Coniston C.E. Primary School
  • 19:00  Chapel Meal and Communion Service at Coniston Methodist Church

Friday, 29 March, Good Friday

  • 11:00  Good Friday Service, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston

Easter Sunday

  • 7:30 a.m.,   Sunrise service at Coniston Boating Centre, followed by bacon butties at the Blue Bird Cafe
  • 9:00 a.m.,   C.W. Holy Communion, St. Luke’s Church, Torver
  • 11:00 a.m., C.W. Holy Communion, St. Andrew’s Church, Coniston

Celebrate Harvest Festival

On Sunday, 2 October, St. Andrew’s Church will celebrate the Harvest with Grizedale Arts.  Last year was a lesson in grace and this year will surely be equally exceptional. Following the 6 p.m. service at St. Andrew’s Church, the meal will be served from 7:30 p.m. at the Coniston Primary School, Shepherds Bridge.

Celebrate the Harvest

Celebrate the Harvest at St. Andrew's Church

From 1 to 6 p.m., all are welcome to come and help cook.

Donations of fresh garden produce welcome anytime up to 12 noon on 2 October at St. Andrew’s church.

Please book in advance with Maria on 41050 or Mark on 41262, if possible!



Pentecost Sunday, 17 June, 6 p.m., at St. Andrew’s Church

Worship in the power of the Holy Spirit.  A service of prayer, music and faith open to all who seek the presence of the Living Lord.


For Lent – God is closer than you think

God is closer - book front

Teaching Theme for February and March during Lent

A study following the thoughts of John Ortberg, pastor and author, who encourage us in the belief that God is near and knowing him is possible for everyone who wants to feel his presence: “The teaching of Scripture is that God really is present right here, right now…. The Spirit of God is available to you and me: flowing all the time, welling up within us, quenching our unsatisfied desires, overflowing to refresh those around us.” Ortberg’s suggestions”to believe that God is in everything, to seek him in the daily and mundane, to learn to recognize and encourage God-inspired thoughts, to look for him in the people you meet and to obey his promptings, though not new, provide us with a series of ideas and activities to begin to change the way they see God in their lives.

God Is Closer Than You Think: This Can Be the Greatest Moment of Your Life Because This Moment Is the Place Where You Can Meet God
