Category Archives: Mission

Welcoming Brian Streeter

On Sunday the 7th of January, The Venerable Vernon Ross will be officiating at the Licensing Service of The Revd Brian Streeter as Priest in Charge of the Benefice of Coniston and Torver. 

This will be the only service of the day on Sunday the 7th at Brian’s other local churches.  We look forward to meeting together at the 2:30 p.m. service at St. Andrew’s Church in Coniston.

Everyone is welcome to attend the service to meet Brian and Anne and for the refreshments afterwards.


Karen Needham comes to Filling Station



Come to hear this heart warming and remarkable story at THE MARCHESI CENTRE, Holly Road,   WINDERMERE LA23 2AF at 7:30 Thursday 19 October and join in our special fellowship, around     tea and coffee as we celebrate the Lord’s purposes being worked out in the world.


This month, Filling Station welcomes KAREN NEEDHAM – Regional Development Manager for SAT-7, a unique television station, broadcasting in Arabic, Turkish and Farsi to 500 million people in the Middle East and North Africa.  Former church leader and solicitor – previously involved at St Thomas’ in Kendal – Karen trains and equips UK speakers and ambassadors, and herself speaks across the country.

SAT-7 is a Christian service, based in the Middle East, created by the Middle Eastern Council of     Churches, bringing together all the denominations in the region, who must agree on the programming.  More than one hundred ME Christians manage operations in Egypt, the Lebanon and Turkey. Eighty percent of programmes are made locally.  The service is free – and watched by 21 million viewers.

An estimated 13 million children are without schools in this vast region, and poverty, child marriage and radicalisation are the norm. So SAT-7 has set up an Academy channel – launched last month !  This will be their school on the air !

         “IT’S TRULY OUR CHURCH – FOR THE TIME BEING” says a secret believer.



May Worship, Coniston and Torver

The sun is shining, Coniston Water is sparkling and there’s a way to find your way once you’ve arrived:

Services for St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s, May  2017
7th      9.00am Bikers Breakfast in school room, Torver
11.00am 1662 Holy Communion, Coniston

10th     12 pm Prayer and Praise, Coniston

14th    9.00am 1662 Holy Communion, Torver
11.00am Worship for All, Coniston

21st     9.00am Service of the Word, Torver
11.00am Holy Communion, Coniston

28th    11.00am Morning Prayer, Coniston
6.00pm New Café Church in the Institute, Coniston

Service Times of other Denominations
Methodist Church
The morning service is at 11.00am and a warm welcome awaits you.
Church services are recorded on a CD and we would be happy to give
you a recording of the services on CD or MP3(free of charge) to anyone
in the village. For further information contact Joyce Holland on 41594.

Coniston Christian Fellowship
You are welcome to join us for our All Age meetings every Sunday at
10.30am in the Primary School, with the exception of the 4th Sunday of
each month when we will join the other churches at Café Church in the
Institute at 6pm.

St Francis of Assisi Church of the Sacred Heart Coniston
Mass on Saturdays 6.00pm – Coniston Catholic Church.
Further information from Father Robert T. Halshaw on 01229779673


New Year, New Wine

Two events are planned by New Wine for early 2017:
  1. Women at the Well, Saturday 28 January, 2017, 10 to 4 p.m.  St. Mary’s Church Allithwaite.

A Time of worship, teaching and ministry for women.

Bookings at

2.  Landmark, 29 April to 1 May’17 Ripley ST Thomas CE Academy Lancaster.

An opportunity to experience God in worship, prayer and praise through teaching and ministry.  There will be two adult venues, with a wide range of seminars, with youth and children’s groups throughout the weekend.

See Brochure


September Highlights

It’s September and everything seems to be starting up again.  Back to school, leaves turning on trees, and a harvest on the brambles.   Here are a few ways, outside of the normal services, to explore your faith in Coniston and Torver:

Sunday, 4 September, 9 a.m., Biker’s Breakfast at St. Luke’s Torver.  A song, a reading, a word for the day, a prayer, then breakfast.  Time for spirituality, food and good conversation.  Goes on until 11:30.

Wednesday, 14 September, 11-3 p.m.  Open Prayer Space St. Andrew’s Coniston.  Candles and music and prayer for all.  Enjoy the space and time to just be with God.

Wednesday, 21 and 28 September, 12 p.m.. Prayer & Praise, St. Andrew’s Coniston.  A 30 minute service of time out to refresh.  Meditation, music and worship.  A time to just listen to God.

Sunday, 25 September, 11 a.m., Harvest Sunday, Methodist Chapel. A joint service with St. Andrew’s.  All welcome to the service and lunch to follow!

Sunday, 25 September, 6 p.m., Harvest and Sing & Share, St. Luke’s Torver.  A celebration in the newly refurbished Torver Village Hall!


Rooted and Grounded in Love

The Cumbria Spirituality Group is offering a prayer taster day, Saturday, 17 September, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church and Ambleside Church Centre.

Keynote Speaker, Roy Searle, will talk about Loving God, Loving Others, the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Other speakers for the various sessions include Kath Dodd, Pauline West, Richard Broughton, Alison Mesher and Cameron Butland.

This will be a rich spiritual experience for all.  Details below:

Rooted and Grounded in Love
