Category Archives: COVID-19

Coronavirus and Loss

Brian has begun a weekly series on Loss. Here’s the latest.

Are we guilty of a loss of grace?


There is that sinking feeling, the sickness in the stomach. I cannot believe that I have done this again – I have lost my wallet! I am sure that many people can identify with this situation and the feelings that go with it. It is not simply the money that may have been in the wallet, but then there are the debit or credit cards that need to be cancelled, and identity cards that need to be replaced.

LOSS or losing something can leave us feeling terrible, and the more serious the loss the more terrible and long-lasting the feelings. In this period of the coronavirus outbreak there have been a number of terrible losses. The greatest of these losses is, of course, the people that we will no longer see, those who have lost their lives. Another great loss has been the loss of income, livelihoods and employment, which may yet have even more devastating consequences. Finally, there has been the loss of our freedoms to travel, and visit friends and family.

As human beings, we have a natural way in which to cope with LOSS – the grief process. Whether it be the loss of a loved one, our health, our home, our employment and role in life, whatever the loss, we need to grieve to move on in our life. The grief process is the dual activities of letting go of the emotional and physical dependency, and at one and the same time continuing to remember and appreciate that which we have lost; and gradually, the pain lessens and the memories grow fonder.

However, LOSS will most often result in scars, the wounds may heal but scars remain. The physical scars we have on our bodies are reminders of the suffering that we have experienced. After Jesus was resurrected, he appeared on numerous occasions to his disciples and many others. One time, he met with his disciples and Thomas, who doubted he had risen, and Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe”. Jesus’ scars were scars to remind everyone of the suffering he had endured because of his love for them – they are, as scars go, beautiful scars.

But, some losses are our choice, and one potential LOSS is concerning – the loss of grace. There are cases of self-styled Lake District Neighbourhood Watch groups, notes left on cars, cars written on and even car tyres slashed. If we are not careful and do not act as a community with grace, then the scars that will be most prominent after the outbreak is over, will be the scars and memories of insularity and unfriendliness – and ugly scars they are too.


Special Notice


The Bishop of Carlisle has written to all clergy and chaplains to advise that public worship has been suspended in the Diocese of Carlisle.

This is in line with Government advice on social gatherings and subsequent Church of England advice, and will impact all Sunday services and other planned gatherings. It also follows publication of a joint letter from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York issued to all clergy.

Therefore, there will be no services at any of the churches in the benefice until this suspension is lifted.

Apologies for the inconvenience, but please do pray for those who have contracted the COVID-19 virus, and for those who are vulnerable and must self-isolate.


The Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England have urged everyone to follow the instructions given by the Prime Minister to stay in their homes in a national effort to limit the transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19)

It means all Church of England churches will close with immediate effect in line with the Government’s instructions. There will also be no Church weddings or baptisms.

Funerals at the graveside or in crematoriums can still take place, but only in line with the Prime minister’s Statement.

Therefore, all churches in the benefice will be shut until restrictions are lifted.

Again apologies for the inconvenience, but please “continue to pray, to love, to care for the vulnerable”.
