Author Archives: Arkangel

For Lent – God is closer than you think

God is closer - book front

Teaching Theme for February and March during Lent

A study following the thoughts of John Ortberg, pastor and author, who encourage us in the belief that God is near and knowing him is possible for everyone who wants to feel his presence: “The teaching of Scripture is that God really is present right here, right now…. The Spirit of God is available to you and me: flowing all the time, welling up within us, quenching our unsatisfied desires, overflowing to refresh those around us.” Ortberg’s suggestions”to believe that God is in everything, to seek him in the daily and mundane, to learn to recognize and encourage God-inspired thoughts, to look for him in the people you meet and to obey his promptings, though not new, provide us with a series of ideas and activities to begin to change the way they see God in their lives.

God Is Closer Than You Think: This Can Be the Greatest Moment of Your Life Because This Moment Is the Place Where You Can Meet God


Exultimus Choir


Exultimus Choir in Harmony

Exultimus Choir in Harmony

Chamber Choir Concert, Wednesday 12th August, 7.30 pm, in St Andrew’s Church.

Exultimus, a chamber choir based in Newcastle upon Tyne will be giving a concert in St Andrew’s Church, Coniston on Wednesday August 12th.

Each year, this close group of singing friends, visits a different part of the British Isles, usually part of the celtic fringe, enjoys a sociable holiday, and gives a concert for the local community. Notable expeditions have been trips to Brittany and Tuscany (for our 10th year). A couple of years ago in Orkney, one of us, Jane, sprang her wedding on us! We rose to the occasion with a specially composed piece by another of our members, Philip, and an impromptu ceilidh and wedding march.

Earlier this year Exultimus enjoyed taking part in a chamber choir master-class given by Paul Spicer, the eminent conductor and expert on English choral music.

The programme of the concert will include motets, madrigals, part-songs and folk-songs. To mark the various musical anniversaries this year we shall be singing some Mendelssohn, Purcell, and Robert Burns. Also featured will be some rounds, Vaughan Williams Three Elizabethan Songs, and several powerful short motets by Victoria and Monteverdi. We also plan a couple of surprises with a local flavour!

On Sunday 9th August, Exultimus will sing Choral Evensong at St Andrew’s, including Stanford in C, and his motet â Coelos ascenditâ.

Exultimus are mostly members of Cappella Novocastriensis, a 40-voice chamber choir based in Newcastle upon Tyne


New Course – The Christian Life and Why It Makes Sense

Why is it that most non-Christians don’t seem to get Christianity?

Why is no-one really listening?

Why are we not talking?

Based on Stephen Gaukroger’s best-selling book ‘It Makes Sense, Christian Life & Why It Makes Sense’ aims to give people the teaching and confidence to tackle some of the most common objections to the Christian faith.

understand why they are not listening and why we are not talking about our faith;

be more confident in the existence of God and in explaining that fact;

tackle one of the main barriers to faith, suffering;

understand why Jesus is so special;

unpack why the Church really is great;

build your faith in a God who is always with us.

Begins Tuesday 13th November, 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Church &

Wednesday 14th November 2.00 pm in St Andrew’s Church (Come along to either one)


Hatti Trading brings Kirsten to Coniston

Friday, 3 August, 7:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church.

Kirsten, the daughter of Mike and Audrey Salts, will be giving a talk about the work of Hatti Trading, which helps release young Nepalese and Indian women from poverty by selling their creations.  Some of their hand bags will be available for sale on the night.  Come out and support a good cause and learn about this important work.


Basecamp – Coming Soon!

5 August 2007

This Sunday we will experience a treat!  A group of 19 students between the ages of 16 and 20 have been working together to develop their leadership skills. Not only have they been restoring paths for the National Trust, but they have been planning a programme for our St. Andrews service on Sunday. Last year it was so full of energy we were exhilarated the whole day long.  Don’t miss this great opportunity at 11 a.m. this Sunday!
