Fair Trade at St. Andrew’s

Every Wednesday, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., we are blessed to have a Fair Trade stall at St. Andrew’s church.  Here you will be able to find nourishment for body and soul.  Homemade soup and fair trade biscuits, coffee and tea are served by warm and friendly volunteers. A stall of fair trade goods is there just in case you want to do a little shopping.  The fair trade stall is just inside the door of the church and if you walk through the doors to the nave, you will be able to find some quiet space in which to meditate, bring your cares and concerns to the Lord and hear what God is saying to you.


2 thoughts on “Fair Trade at St. Andrew’s

  1. angelweb

    Message for Smileangel or Beechangel,

    Will the Fair Trade mornings continue throughout August? If you could please advise, that would be grand.

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