Fresh Expressions Course, Mission Shaped Ministry

Beginning Monday 9 May, 7 p.m. at the Vicarage, we will begin the Mission Shaped Ministry flexi course designed specifically for the ecumenical work taking place in Coniston and Torver.  This is a first for the trainers coming to us and it is not to be missed!

More information can be found at the following link:  Mission shaped flexi-course

Richard Passmore the Fresh Expressions Enabler will be leading. Currently the course is planned to run on every 2nd Monday of the month.  There is a cost which we haven’t got details of at the present but we will know when Richard Passmore has the information from Fresh Expressions nationally.  The idea for the evening would be to start with puddings, so hopefully you will have eaten your evening meal with your family and you bring your pudding to the course.

This opportunity is open to all churches in Coniston, Torver and the Valley.



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