Why is it that most non-Christians don’t seem to get Christianity?
Why is no-one really listening?
Why are we not talking?
Based on Stephen Gaukroger’s best-selling book ‘It Makes Sense, Christian Life & Why It Makes Sense’ aims to give people the teaching and confidence to tackle some of the most common objections to the Christian faith.
understand why they are not listening and why we are not talking about our faith;
be more confident in the existence of God and in explaining that fact;
tackle one of the main barriers to faith, suffering;
understand why Jesus is so special;
unpack why the Church really is great;
build your faith in a God who is always with us.
Begins Tuesday 13th November, 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Church &
Wednesday 14th November 2.00 pm in St Andrew’s Church (Come along to either one)
This sounds excellent! I look forward to attending.