Cumbria Christian Learning Opportunities

Learning Opportunities: Spring 2018

Mission Shaped Introduction

Our world and our lives change at an ever faster pace. How does the Church respond to this change? Are new ways of being Church possible? What might they look like?

MSI helps us to reconnect with the communities we are called to serve, taking us on a creative and reflective journey to re-imagine the forms of Church that are needed for the 21st century.

The 6-session course will be running in Mission Communities through 2018, including:

Criffel View: January – February

Kendal South: January – February

Furness: January – February

Barrow: January – February

Kendal North: January – March

East of Eden: February – March

Workington: February – April (tbc.)

Allithwaite, Cartmel Peninsula: February – April (tbc.)

Carlisle: April – May

More dates and locations to be confirmed. For details in your area contact your local Mission Community leader or e-mail:

Introduction to the New Testament

This module is taught over seven two-hour evening tutorials and one day school, and is part of our validated training programme for ordinands and readers. It is also open to anyone who is interested in developing their biblical knowledge and is willing to commit to the time involved. Led by Dr Karl Möller.

Tuesdays, 7.00pm – 9.00pm (various dates, January – March. Pease ask for details.) and Saturday 3rd February, 9.30am – 4.00pm. All tutorials held at Rydal Hall.

Costs: £135.00 for the full module.

For further information about the content and any other enquiries, please contact James Bober (01768 807765;

Tragedy and Congregations

The aim of Tragedy and Congregations is to resource churches to respond in a healthy way to the impact of tragedies, local and global, through training in good practice, careful reflection, and personal resilience.

Led by Dr Christopher Southgate, Revd Hilary Ison,

Revd Canon Dr Carla Grosch-Miller and Dr Megan Warner

Saturday 13th January 2018, 9.00am – 4.00pm, Rydal Hall, £28.00

For further information, see

or contact James Bober (01768 807765;

Hidden Wounds in our Midst

Facing the challenges of domestic abuse from a faith perspective, through preaching, worship, prayer, listening and learning. Calling us to repentance, and enabling restoration and healing. A resource for all, lay or ordained, in our Churches and Mission Communities. Internationally renowned practical theologians Elaine Storkey and Kathy Galloway will be keynote speakers at the event.

Workshops include: Responses from theology and scripture: Esther 1:1-2:6; Responses from theology and scripture: Ephesians 5:21-33; Responding prophetically in our preaching ministry; Responding pastorally; Responses informed by sociological perspectives; Responding in and from our faith communities; Responding in worship.

Saturday 20th January, 9.30am – 4.00pm, St Thomas’s Church, Kendal

£20.00 (or ask for reduction)

Social Media Training

This day will cover the basics: What social media platforms should churches have? What content should churches be sharing? How can churches with limited resources create quality content? Should we be looking at analytics and paying to promote posts? The dos and don’ts of writing for the web. The content your website must include – and what you could delete.

Delivered by the Church of England’s National Communications team.

Saturday 27th January, 10.00am – 4.00pm, St Aidan’s Church Hall, Carlisle

Free to attend but places are strictly limited!

Maximum one participant per Mission Community, please.


Explore your Calling in the Kingdom of God

Featuring: ‘What’s Vocation All About?’; What’s my Line? – interviews with people who serve in many different ways; Worship and Drama; The Vocation Advisory Service – how does it work?; and time to talk, ask questions, view information.

We’ll conclude by exploring possibilities more personally over lunch.

Tea, coffee, juice will be available; please bring lunch.

Led by Revd Canon Ruth Crossley, Revd Elaine Bates and Maureen Stevens.

Saturday 3rd February, 9.45am – 1.00pm,

St Mary’s Parish Centre, Dalton-in-Furness. Free to attend.

Bookings: 01229 822149 or

or you will be very welcome to simply arrive on the day.

Nourishing The Soul

(Cumbria Ecumenical Spirituality Group)

Discover more about your Christian spiritual heritage; learn and experience

different ways of praying; meet others on a similar journey; find new resources

to feed and enrich your soul.

A one-year programme over nine one-day sessions, from Saturday 3rd February

£20.00 per session, Hawkshead Hill Chapel, Ambleside

For bookings and more information contact CESG secretary Anna Walker:

Developing Quality Relationships

A 2-hour workshop for anyone with any kind of pastoral role, or considering one.

Enabling all members of church to explore the development of quality relationships from a Christian perspective.

The workshop will be led by Teresa Onions, Pastoral Care UK.

Tuesday 27th February, 7.15pm – 9.30pm, St George’s Church, Kendal, £3.00

Revisiting Theological Reflection

Led by Prof. Pete Ward, Professorial Fellow in Ecclesiology and Ethnography, Durham University. This teaching day will be based on Pete’s most recent publication: ‘Introduction to Practical Theology: Mission, Ministry and the Life of the Church.’

Saturday 3rd March, 9.30am – 4.00pm, Rydal Hall, £28.00

Bookings and more information:

Looking Ahead: Dates for your Diaries

Saturday 21st April: ‘Grief, Loss and Care of the Bereaved’

Enabling reflection on how we can offer support and care

to those affected by grief.

St Mary’s Church, Harrington

Bookings and information:

May June 2018: ‘Calling’ Roadshows

Exploring your Christian vocation

Venues around Cumbria

Tuesday 10th July : ‘Taking Funerals Seriously’

Wednesday 11th July: ‘Baptism Matters’

Led by Revd Dr Sandra Miller (Archbishops’ Council).

How can we engage better with those who join us for the pastoral offices?

Venue & booking details tbc.

Saturday 15th September: Whole Life Worship Conference

with Sam & Sara Hargreaves

(Engage Worship / London Institute of Contemporary Christianity)

Venue tbc.



Church House 19-24 Friargate Penrith Cumbria CA11 7XR

Charity registration #1105055


01768 807765




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