Monthly Archives: May 2017

May Worship, Coniston and Torver

The sun is shining, Coniston Water is sparkling and there’s a way to find your way once you’ve arrived:

Services for St. Andrew’s and St. Luke’s, May  2017
7th      9.00am Bikers Breakfast in school room, Torver
11.00am 1662 Holy Communion, Coniston

10th     12 pm Prayer and Praise, Coniston

14th    9.00am 1662 Holy Communion, Torver
11.00am Worship for All, Coniston

21st     9.00am Service of the Word, Torver
11.00am Holy Communion, Coniston

28th    11.00am Morning Prayer, Coniston
6.00pm New Café Church in the Institute, Coniston

Service Times of other Denominations
Methodist Church
The morning service is at 11.00am and a warm welcome awaits you.
Church services are recorded on a CD and we would be happy to give
you a recording of the services on CD or MP3(free of charge) to anyone
in the village. For further information contact Joyce Holland on 41594.

Coniston Christian Fellowship
You are welcome to join us for our All Age meetings every Sunday at
10.30am in the Primary School, with the exception of the 4th Sunday of
each month when we will join the other churches at Café Church in the
Institute at 6pm.

St Francis of Assisi Church of the Sacred Heart Coniston
Mass on Saturdays 6.00pm – Coniston Catholic Church.
Further information from Father Robert T. Halshaw on 01229779673
