September Highlights

It’s September and everything seems to be starting up again.  Back to school, leaves turning on trees, and a harvest on the brambles.   Here are a few ways, outside of the normal services, to explore your faith in Coniston and Torver:

Sunday, 4 September, 9 a.m., Biker’s Breakfast at St. Luke’s Torver.  A song, a reading, a word for the day, a prayer, then breakfast.  Time for spirituality, food and good conversation.  Goes on until 11:30.

Wednesday, 14 September, 11-3 p.m.  Open Prayer Space St. Andrew’s Coniston.  Candles and music and prayer for all.  Enjoy the space and time to just be with God.

Wednesday, 21 and 28 September, 12 p.m.. Prayer & Praise, St. Andrew’s Coniston.  A 30 minute service of time out to refresh.  Meditation, music and worship.  A time to just listen to God.

Sunday, 25 September, 11 a.m., Harvest Sunday, Methodist Chapel. A joint service with St. Andrew’s.  All welcome to the service and lunch to follow!

Sunday, 25 September, 6 p.m., Harvest and Sing & Share, St. Luke’s Torver.  A celebration in the newly refurbished Torver Village Hall!


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