Monthly Archives: May 2016

Rooted and Grounded in Love

The Cumbria Spirituality Group is offering a prayer taster day, Saturday, 17 September, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church and Ambleside Church Centre.

Keynote Speaker, Roy Searle, will talk about Loving God, Loving Others, the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Other speakers for the various sessions include Kath Dodd, Pauline West, Richard Broughton, Alison Mesher and Cameron Butland.

This will be a rich spiritual experience for all.  Details below:

Rooted and Grounded in Love


Developing a Healing Ministry

Message from Revd. Canon Amiel Osmaston,  Ministry Development Officer, Diocese of Carlisle,

We are planning a series of “Developing Healing Ministry” Training Days across the Diocese. They will be an opportunity for:

  • a refresher day for members of existing prayer ministry teams
  • a training day for new ministry teams or new members of teams
  • general prayer ministry skills for anyone who would like more confidence in praying for others, eg in small groups, with friends.

Please consider going yourself, and help to publicise this around your churches and specifically to anyone who is a member of a Pastoral visiting team or a Healing/Prayer ministry team.  Thank you.
Dates and venues will be:

Saturday 9th July                   St Paul’s Barrow
Saturday 5th November       St Michael’s Carlisle
Saturday 12th November    Christ Church Cockermouth
Feb/Mar 2017                       Kendal TBC

Each day will follow a similar format.
The flyer/poster for the first of these days – in Barrow on 9th July 2016 – Healing MInistry
