Exultimus Choir in Harmony
Chamber Choir Concert, Wednesday 12th August, 7.30 pm, in St Andrew’s Church.
Exultimus, a chamber choir based in Newcastle upon Tyne will be giving a concert in St Andrew’s Church, Coniston on Wednesday August 12th.
Each year, this close group of singing friends, visits a different part of the British Isles, usually part of the celtic fringe, enjoys a sociable holiday, and gives a concert for the local community. Notable expeditions have been trips to Brittany and Tuscany (for our 10th year). A couple of years ago in Orkney, one of us, Jane, sprang her wedding on us! We rose to the occasion with a specially composed piece by another of our members, Philip, and an impromptu ceilidh and wedding march.
Earlier this year Exultimus enjoyed taking part in a chamber choir master-class given by Paul Spicer, the eminent conductor and expert on English choral music.
The programme of the concert will include motets, madrigals, part-songs and folk-songs. To mark the various musical anniversaries this year we shall be singing some Mendelssohn, Purcell, and Robert Burns. Also featured will be some rounds, Vaughan Williams Three Elizabethan Songs, and several powerful short motets by Victoria and Monteverdi. We also plan a couple of surprises with a local flavour!
On Sunday 9th August, Exultimus will sing Choral Evensong at St Andrew’s, including Stanford in C, and his motet â Coelos ascenditâ.
Exultimus are mostly members of Cappella Novocastriensis, a 40-voice chamber choir based in Newcastle upon Tyne