Monthly Archives: April 2008

Ascension Day Holy Communion

10 a.m., Thursday, 1 May 2008, St. Andrew’s Church, Holy Communion

The service will be followed by a Church Audio Review at 11 a.m.

The audio system will be upgraded and tested. Please come along, or stay after the 10 a.m. service to assist us in ensuring that the sound system is effective for all.


Freedom in Christ

13 Week Course, The Vicarage, 7:30 p.m., beginning Wednesday, 16 April 2008

What does it mean to be free in Christ?  How are we free and what are we freed from?  This course uses scripture to show how to break the chains once and for all to become what we were made for.  Interested?  Why not come along.  Sessions are temporarily suspended for August holidays.  Stay tuned for the updated schedule.


Pulpit Swap – Sunday 13 April 2008

11:00, Morning Worship at St. Andrew’s Church with the Rev. Tony Wells

Pulpit Swap with the Coniston Methodist Church.  Mark East, Priest in Charge of St. Andrew’s Church,  will preach at St. Luke’s Torver for the 9:30 1662 service and 11:00 at the Coniston Methodist Church.


Services 3rd Sunday of Easter

Services in Coniston and Torver for the 6th of April are as follows:

  • St. Luke’s Torver – 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
  • St. Andrew’s Coniston – 11:00 a.m. 1662

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting and Evening Worship will be held in St. Andrew’s at 6:30 p.m. Members on the Electoral Roll may vote at the meeting.


In The Beginning

Fun Time, 2-3 pm at St. Andrew’s Church, 16 April, 2008

Children between the ages of 0 and 5 years, and their parents are welcome to come to this hour of fun when we sing, play instruments and listen to a Bible story.  We finish with prayer, a drink and biscuits.  The story this time is about the creation.
